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What To Do When Your Small Business Is Stuck

When a business is stuck or stagnant, it's important to identify the root cause of the issue. Identifying the root cause lays the foundation for moving forward to get your small business to the next level.

What to do when your small business is stuck, and my recommended 10 tips for unblocking business growth!

Every small business owner gets stuck. It’s part of owning a small business. But it does not have to stay that way. There are things you can do to help your stuck small business get unstuck and get to the next level.

10 tips to unblock business growth:

Identify The Root Cause Of Why Your Business Is Stuck

When a small business is stuck or stagnant, it's important to dig into the data and identify the root cause of the issue. Start by looking at key sales, revenue, and growth metrics over recent periods. Analyze any noticeable declines or plateaus to understand where the problems started.

Common causes could include declining conversion rates, shrinking average order values, plateauing website traffic, or rising customer churn. Pinpointing the root cause requires going beyond surface-level financials to understand what specifically is broken in the customer journey, sales process, product lineup or marketing channels. With the core issue identified, you can then develop targeted solutions. Don't assume you already know the cause without backing it up with data.

The root cause may also be a combination of factors rather than one single issue. Approach this analysis without bias and with an open mind to find areas for potential improvement. Identifying the true root cause takes time but lays the foundation for moving forward.

Get An Outside Perspective Like A Small Business Coach Or Mentor

Getting an outside perspective can provide valuable insights when your business is stuck. Experienced mentors or advisors who are not directly involved in your business operations can offer an objective point of view. They may notice things you're too close to see or challenge assumptions you've made.

Some ways to get an outside perspective include:

- Consult experienced mentors or advisors. Identify mentors who have successfully grown businesses before. Schedule regular check-ins to get their take on your business's direction. Be open to constructive feedback.

- Form an advisory board. Assemble a small group of trusted advisors who can provide strategic guidance. Meet with them quarterly or semiannually to discuss high-level issues.

- Hire a small business coach. A professional business coach can work with you regularly to overcome obstacles. A small business coach can help you achieve success. They can help you gain clarity, improve processes, and reach your goals. Ensure you find an experienced coach with expertise in your industry.

- Attend peer advisory groups. Groups like masterminds allow you to regularly meet and brainstorm ideas with non-competing business leaders. Hearing how others approach challenges can spark solutions.

Getting outside perspectives prevents insular thinking. It provides valuable insights you may miss and helps identify your blindspots. Overcome the "we've always done it this way" mindset by regularly consulting experienced advisors.

Analyze Your Business Competition

Analyzing what your competitors are doing that works well is crucial when your small business is stuck. You want to understand their strategies and tactics, and see if any could be applied to your own business.

- Research what competitors are doing better. Look at their products, services, pricing, promotions, customer service, and more. Identify any areas where they are outperforming you or gaining an edge.

- Study their marketing and messaging. See how they position themselves and communicate their value proposition. You may uncover effective approaches you can adopt.

- Check out their customer reviews and feedback. This provides insight into what customers like about competitors that your own business could emulate.

- Sign up for email lists and follow social media. Monitor competitor activities like product launches, campaigns, and events that engage their audience.

- Talk to customers who use competitors. Ask what attracted them to the competitor and what they see as the main differences. Listen for weaknesses you can improve on.

- Secret shop or try competitor offerings. Experience their customer journey first-hand to gain helpful perspective.

- Analyze their web analytics and traffic data if possible. Seeing hard metrics on engagement and conversions allows direct comparison.

The goal is to objectively evaluate competitors' strengths you can learn from. This market research will reveal opportunities for your own business to differentiate and stand out.

Focus On Your Target Audience

When your small business is stuck, it's important to reconnect with your target audience and understand their current needs and preferences. Conduct customer surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews to gain insights directly from the people you aim to serve. Ask about their satisfaction with your existing products/services, where you are falling short, and what they wish you offered.

Analyze all feedback carefully to identify patterns and opportunities. Look for common pain points you could solve or new offerings to fulfill unmet needs. Pay special attention to any changes in your audience's preferences, challenges, or behaviors since you first defined your target segment.

This direct customer insight will help you realign your business around what matters most to the audience you want to serve. You may uncover new ways to tailor your marketing or opportunities to differentiate yourself from competitors by addressing customer needs better. Focusing on target customers will ensure you evolve your business strategically based on real market demand.

Evaluate Your Products/Services

Assessing whether your offerings are outdated or lack innovation is a crucial part of getting your small business unstuck. Over time, customer needs and market trends evolve. If you don't keep up, your products and services can start to feel stale.

Take an objective look at every aspect of your offerings. How long has it been since you introduced something new or made significant upgrades? Do your products or services still solve key customer problems? How do they compare to competitors' offerings in terms of features, quality and value?

Talk directly to customers and prospects to get unfiltered feedback. Ask what they like, what's missing, and where you fall short. Look for common themes in the feedback to identify opportunities to improve.

You may find some offerings are still strong, while others clearly need refreshing. Focus innovation where it's most needed, either through enhancements or all-new products/services.

Don't let outdated offerings hold your business back. Commit to regularly evaluating and improving your products and services. This keeps you competitive, aligned to market needs, and top of mind with customers.

Improve Marketing & Promotions

One of the most effective ways to get an underperforming small business unstuck is to take a hard look at your marketing and promotional efforts. Audit which marketing channels and campaigns are working, and which are falling flat.

First, analyze your marketing budget. Are you allocating spending efficiently based on ROI? Shift budget away from poor performing channels and into the campaigns that are delivering results.

Evaluate your website and online presence. Is your website optimized for conversions? Do you need to improve SEO to drive more organic traffic? An outdated website can significantly hinder lead generation and sales. Consider a redesign or an SEO audit.

Assess your email marketing and social media engagement. Are you sending valuable content to your email subscriber list consistently? Are you actively engaging followers on social media? Improving email and social can help nurture leads and turn fans into customers.

Analyze the customer journey. Where are you losing potential customers along the way? Pinpoint roadblocks in the sales funnel, then develop targeted campaigns to move leads through to conversion.

Getting strategic with marketing and promotions will help you reach new audiences, better engage existing customers, and ultimately drive more sales for your business. With improved marketing, you'll gain momentum to get unstuck.

If you need help, hire a marketing professional for your small business.

Analyze Operational Efficiency

Improving operational efficiency should be an ongoing focus for any business. When growth stalls, it presents an opportunity to take a hard look at processes, costs, and workflows. Start by reviewing each department and function within your company. Look for ways to streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, leverage technology, and reduce expenses.

Some areas to analyze include:

- Manufacturing processes - Are there bottlenecks or inefficiencies in production? Could automation improve output and lower labor costs?

- Inventory management - Is excess inventory tying up too much capital? Can you implement just-in-time practices?

- Purchasing - Are you getting the best rates from vendors and suppliers? Can you consolidate purchases for volume discounts?

- Facilities - Is your physical space being utilized efficiently? Could you downsize or renegotiate leases?

- Staffing - Do you have the right people in the right roles? Can you cross-train employees?

- Transportation/logistics - Are deliveries and shipments being handled in the most cost-effective manner?

- Technology systems - Are your software, hardware, and IT infrastructure current and efficient? Are there new solutions that could streamline operations?

Even small tweaks and changes in processes can sometimes lead to significant cost savings. Approach the analysis with an open mind and look for innovative ways to improve productivity and efficiency at every step. The goal is to do more with less while maintaining quality and service levels. With improved operational efficiency, your business will be leaner, more agile, and better equipped to get back on the growth track.

Develop New Strategic Initiatives

When a small business is stuck, it's often a sign that innovation and growth have stagnated. Developing new strategic initiatives can reignite momentum and open up new opportunities. Here are some tips:

- Brainstorm and identify potential new products or services you could develop. Look for gaps in the market, emerging trends, or customer needs you could fulfill. Prioritize ideas with the most potential.

- Research expanding into new geographical markets or distribution channels. Is there an untapped market you can enter? Can you sell through new retailers or online channels?

- Seek out potential new partnerships with other companies. Strategic partnerships can help you enter new markets, acquire new technology, or share resources.

- Set concrete goals around launching new products and expanding into new markets within a set timeframe. Having measurable goals helps drive strategy.

- Allocate budget and resources specifically for new initiatives. Don't just fit them into existing budgets. Give them dedicated focus and funding.

- Develop new marketing campaigns and materials to promote and support new products and markets. You need fresh messaging and positioning.

- Hire new team members or train existing staff for new initiatives. Ensure you have the right expertise and talent.

- Pursue innovation throughout your operations. Challenge yourself to keep improving systems, processes and business models.

By actively developing new strategic plays, you can breathe fresh energy and direction into your business. Set ambitious goals for growth, and maintain the agility to adapt to new opportunities. This drive to innovate and expand will help pull you out of stagnation.

Invest In Your Team

Your employees are the engine that keeps your business running. When growth stalls, it's important to invest more in your team. There are numerous ways to unlock team potential to build a resilient company culture. Here are just a few:

Train Employees

Additional training and development opportunities show employees you care about their growth and value their contributions. Assess skill gaps and provide training to strengthen capabilities. Encourage employees to share their professional development goals. Support them by providing coaching, classes, books, conferences, and other learning resources.

Boost Morale

Low morale is detrimental to productivity and innovation. During tough times, focus on maintaining positivity. Foster deeper connections via team building activities. Celebrate wins and milestones. Provide opportunities for feedback and listen to concerns. Offer incentives like office perks, flexible schedules, and remote work options.

Reward Top Talent

Your best employees are essential when trying to reinvigorate your business. Recognize and reward their contributions with praise, promotions, and compensation increases. Avoid overworking or taking them for granted. Make sure they feel supported and know their efforts are appreciated. Disengaged top talent may leave, so focus on their job satisfaction.

Investing in your people reminds them you see their value and care about their well-being. It leads to higher engagement, better performance, and improved loyalty. Your team is pivotal to leading your business forward, so empower them to succeed.

Stay Resilient & Adaptable

When your small business is stuck, it's easy to get discouraged and want to give up. However, the most successful entrepreneurs are resilient in the face of challenges. They persist through tough times and make adjustments as needed to get back on track.

Here are some tips for staying resilient when your business is stuck:

- Remind yourself this is temporary. All businesses go through ups and downs. Focus on the fact that this stuck phase will pass if you keep working at it.

- Celebrate small wins. Even tiny signs of progress are worth acknowledging to boost your morale and motivation.

- Learn from setbacks. Don't view obstacles as failures. Analyze what went wrong and what you would do differently next time. These lessons will make you stronger.

- Take breaks. Pushing yourself to exhaustion won't help. Make time for self-care and recharging. A refreshed mindset leads to better solutions.

- Get support. Surround yourself with encouraging people who believe in you. Their positive energy can be contagious.

- Be flexible. If certain strategies aren't working, don't be rigid. Try new approaches to get momentum going again.

- Focus on what you can control. Don't waste energy worrying about external factors out of your control. Pour your efforts into what you can influence.

With the right mindset and adaptability, you can guide your small business through any stuck point. Stay determined and know that better days lie ahead.

Does this sound overwhelming?

Consider hiring a business coach who can provide in-depth guidance and support.

Click Here to schedule a FREE consultation with one of the top small business coaches to help you plan your growth strategies.

Or call 405-919-9990 today!

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Proven Strategies For Small Business Growth: A Quick Guide

Discover proven strategies to grow your small business faster in a quick guide. From market targeting to goal-setting, our expert tips will propel your business forward faster.

As a small business coach who has owned numerous small businesses, our team understands how growing a small business can be challenging. In this blog post, we share a quick guide on proven strategies for your small business growth. From understanding your target audience to leveraging technology and measuring your progress, these expert tips will guide you toward faster business growth and success.

Understand the Target Audience Your Small Business Serves

Small business owners seeking growth often face similar obstacles and share common characteristics. They operate in fiercely competitive markets and are looking to expand their customer base, increase revenue, or gain a larger market share. By understanding the mindset and needs of your target audience, you can tailor your strategies to effectively meet their demands and aspirations.

Business Analysis for Small Business Growth

Before embarking on the journey of accelerating your business growth, conducting a thorough analysis of your small business is essential. A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) can help identify areas where your business can excel, areas that need improvement, potential growth opportunities, and any external threats to consider. With this knowledge, you can develop effective strategies and capitalize on your strengths to overcome obstacles.

Cultivating a Business Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is crucial for small business owners looking to scale their enterprises rapidly. Adopting a positive and proactive approach allows you to view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Embrace a mindset that focuses on innovation, adaptability, and continuously seeking new ways to improve your business.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives for Your Small Business

Setting clear goals and objectives is paramount to direct your efforts toward achieving rapid growth. Ensure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). These goals will provide a clear roadmap and allow you to track your progress along the way, making it easier to adjust your tactics and strategies as needed.

Identifying the Target Market and Refining Marketing Strategies

Understanding your target market is crucial for effective marketing and business growth. Identify who your ideal customers are, conduct market research, and develop buyer personas. Armed with this information, you can tailor your marketing strategies to reach and engage your target audience through targeted advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Leveraging Technology and Innovation

Innovation and technology play a significant role in accelerating small business growth. Review your business operations and identify areas where technology can be implemented to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Automating repetitive tasks, utilizing customer relationship management (CRM) software, and staying up-to-date with emerging technologies in your industry can give you a competitive edge.

Financial Management and Strategic Investment

Effective financial management is crucial for fueling rapid business growth. Optimize your cash flow and budget to ensure you have the necessary resources to invest in growth initiatives. Consider strategic investments such as angel investment, venture capital, small business loans, or crowdfunding, depending on your specific business needs. These investments can infuse capital into your business and propel it towards expansion.

Building a Strong Team and Network

Surrounding yourself with a talented team is essential for faster business growth. Hiring skilled individuals who share your vision and goals can help drive your small business forward. Delegate key tasks to capable team members, giving you the time and energy to focus on strategic growth initiatives. Additionally, network with other entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and potential partners to expand your reach, gain valuable insights, and explore collaboration opportunities.

Measuring and Adapting Growth Strategies

Regular measurement and adaptation are key to ensuring the success of your growth strategies. Establish relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) and track your progress consistently. Analyze the data to identify what is working and what needs adjustment. By keeping a pulse on your growth metrics, you can make informed decisions and pivot your strategies to achieve your goals.

Conclusion on Proven Strategies for Small Business Growth

Growing your small business quickly requires careful planning, a growth-oriented mindset, and strategic execution. By understanding your target audience, setting clear goals, harnessing technology, managing your finances effectively, building a solid team, and measuring your progress, you can accelerate your business growth and achieve your desired success.

Embrace the journey, stay adaptable, and continuously seek opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Your small business can thrive and reach new heights with dedication and persistence.

For personalized strategies tailored to your business needs, consider hiring a business coach who can provide in-depth guidance and support.

Click Here to schedule a FREE consultation with one of the top small business coaches to help you plan your growth strategies.

Or call 405-919-9990 today!

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Sales & Marketing | Tips From Randy Crane

In a market saturated with competitors, the distinguishing factor often boils down to how well a business understands and connects with its customers through its sales and marketing.

Presently, people see or hear roughly 5,000 ads a day.

So how do you get your business to stand out in this crowded world?

In a recent conversation, we had the privilege of delving into the intricate dance of sales and marketing with seasoned expert Randy Crane, The Fearless Marketer. The conversation pivoted around the undeniable truth that relationships are the beating heart of any successful business strategy. In a market saturated with competitors, the distinguishing factor often boils down to how well a business understands and connects with its customers. It's a dimension of business that, when executed with finesse, can lead to remarkable growth and customer loyalty.

Listen to this episode below, find Small Business Pivots here, or keep reading about this episode below the graphic…

Sustainable Small Business Success

With his four decades of leadership in sales and marketing, Randy Crane shares that empathy and a genuine desire to serve are not just nice-to-haves but crucial for sustainable business success. He highlights the shift from a transactional mindset to one of creating value, where understanding the customer's needs and desires becomes paramount. The philosophy here is simple yet profound: it is not merely about the product or service being sold, but about the human connection that's being nurtured in the process.

The Customer Experience

The concept of giving before taking was a recurring theme throughout the episode. Randy stresses the importance of providing value to customers beyond the scope of immediate business gains. This could manifest in various forms—a piece of advice, a helpful referral, or even just a listening ear. By focusing on what the customer values, not just on what we think they should value, we open up the pathway to trust. Trust, after all, is the foundation upon which lasting business relationships are built.

The Sales Process

Another key takeaway from the episode was the idea that sales should not be a rush to close a deal but rather a journey towards understanding and meeting customer needs. Randy shares his personal strategy of approaching sales with a three-day close, allowing for genuine engagement and value delivery before ever talking numbers. This method not only allows for a deeper understanding of the customer but also positions the salesperson as a trusted advisor rather than just another vendor.

As we delved further into the conversation, the significance of the 'why' behind a business became clear. Drawing inspiration from Simon Sinek's "Start With Why," the episode emphasized the transformative power of aligning business actions with a purpose that goes beyond financial gain. When a business operates from a place of purpose, the connection with customers becomes more meaningful, leading to a more passionate and committed clientele.

Finally, Randy shared insights on the pitfalls of one-size-fits-all strategies and the dangers of a quick-fix mentality, especially in the realm of social media marketing. A tailored approach, grounded in a deep understanding of one's unique customer base, is the key to creating effective sales and marketing strategies.

Conclusion For Small Business Growth Through Marketing & Sales

As we conclude, the message is unmistakable: the road to business growth is paved with the stones of empathy, service, and genuine relationships. Randy's expertise serves as a clarion call for small business owners to infuse their operations with these principles, transforming their approach to sales and marketing for the better.

Remember, it's not enough to listen to wisdom; one must act on it. So, embrace the challenge from our coaches' corner: find one thing of value to give in every conversation, and let your business thrive on the power of giving. And for a deeper dive into the essence of relationship-driven business strategies, "The Go-Giver" by Bob Berg and John David Mann is a highly recommended read.

The podcast episode is on Apple, Spotify, or other popular platforms.

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If so, schedule a call today with the premier small business coach. We’re ready to help you put in place the habits today that will unlock a lifetime of success tomorrow.

Click Here if you are wondering how much a business coach costs.

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Sales Success | Tips from Joe Rockey

Grow your business faster today! Learn how to replace your outdated sales system and delegation processes to create a business that can work without you!

The roadmap for business success!

Learn how to replace your outdated sales system and delegation processes to create a business that can work without you!

In a recent podcast hosted by Michael D Morrison, our guest, Joe Rockey, the entrepreneurial guru and force behind Elite Business Conversations, laid out a transformative roadmap for business owners aiming to establish a self-sustaining business legacy and drive exponential sales and business growth. Throughout the episode, the emphasis was on fostering emotional connections with customers and strategically delegating tasks to achieve business autonomy, ultimately leading to increased sales and scalable business expansion.

Listen to this episode below, find Small Business Pivots here, or keep reading about this episode below the graphic…

Driving Sales and Business Growth

Joe Rockey's journey from overcoming recession challenges to his current status as a master coach exemplifies resilience and strategic foresight, key components for driving sales and business growth. He shed light on the critical role of sales in business success and how personal experiences shape an entrepreneur's sales approach and overall business management strategy. The podcast explored the three pillars of a thriving company—marketing, sales, and operations—and emphasized the importance of adopting different mindsets for each pillar to drive sales and spur business growth.

A notable aspect of the discussion focused on the misunderstood concept of delegation. Michael introduced the delegation quadrant, a vital tool empowering business owners to identify tasks for delegation based on their preferences and skill levels, thereby freeing up time to focus on sales and strategic growth initiatives.

Sales Strategy For Small Business Growth

The conversation also delved into sales strategies and relationship-building techniques essential for small business growth. Joe Rockey shared his experiences in real estate and highlighted the significance of authentic connections in driving sales and fostering business growth. They discussed the inadequacy of outdated sales methods that prioritize transactional interactions over relationship-building, stressing the need to adapt to contemporary business dynamics for sustained sales and business growth.

Building Sales Relationships

Furthermore, they explored the importance of vulnerability in building sales relationships, emphasizing the value of genuine interactions in understanding and meeting customer needs, a crucial aspect for driving sales and business growth.

Conclusion For Business Growth

The episode concluded by underscoring the power of introspective exercises in mastering sales conversations and driving business growth. Joe shared visualization techniques to enhance confidence and adaptability in sales interactions, and highlighted the resources available through Elite Business Conversations and Casino Sales Master for continuous learning and business growth acceleration.

In summary, the podcast episode served as an insightful exploration of how emotional intelligence, strategic delegation, and effective sales techniques can fuel business growth and ensure long-term success in today's competitive market landscape.

With these strategies, you're well on your way to building a successful business and a wealthy empire.

The podcast episode is on Apple, Spotify, or other popular platforms.

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If so, schedule a call today with the premier small business coach. We’re ready to help you put in place the habits today that will unlock a lifetime of success tomorrow.

Click Here if you are wondering how much a business coach costs.

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13 Ways To Grow Your Small Business Faster

Are you looking to accelerate the growth of your small business? Discover 13 proven strategies to grow your small business faster. This blog post provides actionable tips to propel your business toward success. Take action today and start implementing these strategies to grow your small business faster.

Are you looking to accelerate the growth of your small business?

In today's competitive market, speed is essential for staying ahead of the curve and achieving success. To help you achieve your growth goals, here are 13 proven strategies to grow your small business faster.

1. Implement Effective Marketing Techniques

Marketing plays a crucial role in attracting new customers and increasing brand visibility. Explore various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing to reach a wider audience.

2. Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are powerful tools for engaging with your audience and building brand loyalty. Create compelling content, interact with your followers, and leverage social media ads to expand your reach.

3. Maximize Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website for search engines can significantly boost your online visibility. Focus on relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and improve your website's loading speed to enhance your SEO efforts.

4. Build Strong Customer Relationships

Prioritize customer satisfaction and nurture lasting relationships with your clients. Provide exceptional customer service, seek feedback, and personalize interactions to create a loyal customer base.

5. Expand Your Network and Collaborate

Networking with other businesses and industry professionals can open up new growth opportunities. Collaborate on projects, attend networking events, and build partnerships with other business owners who serve audiences similar to yours to expand your reach and expertise.

6. Improve Productivity and Efficiency

Streamline your business operations to increase productivity and efficiency. Automate repetitive tasks, set clear goals for your team, and invest in tools that simplify processes to optimize your workflow.

7. Leverage the Power of Data and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is critical to business growth. Analyze key metrics, track your progress, and use data insights to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

8. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Deliver exceptional customer service that sets your business apart from competitors. Listen to customer feedback, address issues promptly, and go the extra mile to create a positive customer experience.

9. Develop a Strong Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for business growth. Maintain an active presence on social media, update your website regularly, and engage with your audience to build brand authority.

10. Explore New Market Opportunities

Stay agile and adaptable by exploring new market opportunities and niches. Conduct market research, identify emerging trends, and be willing to pivot your business strategy to capitalize on new growth areas.

11. Enhance Your Brand Reputation

Build a strong brand reputation that instills trust and credibility among your target audience. Consistently deliver on your brand promise, showcase positive customer testimonials, and actively manage your online reputation.

12. Invest in Continuous Learning and Development

Stay ahead of the curve by investing in continuous learning and professional development. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and training programs to expand your knowledge and skills to drive business growth. Learn to Earn!

13. Monitor and Adjust Your Business Strategy

Regularly review your business strategy, track your progress, and be willing to pivot when necessary. Stay agile, monitor market trends, and adjust your strategy to seize new opportunities and overcome challenges.

By implementing these 13 strategies, you can accelerate the growth of your small business and achieve success faster. Remember that consistency, dedication, and a willingness to adapt are key to driving sustainable growth in today's competitive business landscape.

Take action today and implement these strategies to propel your small business toward greater success and prosperity.

Click Here if you would like one of the top small business coaches to help you plan your growth strategies.

Or call 405-919-9990 today!

#SmallBusinessGrowth #BusinessStrategy #GrowYourBusiness #Entrepreneurship #BusinessSuccess

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How To Build Wealth | Tips from Michael Del Prete

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income. Building wealth starts with a plan. How To Build Wealth | Advice from Michael Del Prete.

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income.

Building wealth starts with a plan.

In a recent enlightening podcast episode, Michael Del Prete, an accomplished real estate investor and the Arizona Real Estate Investors Association (AZREIA) executive director, takes listeners through his incredible transition from managing bands to building wealth. Del Prete's story is not just about the real estate market; it's a comprehensive guide on navigating life's transitions with entrepreneurial finesse and achieving success against all odds.

Listen now or keep reading below…

The Journey To Building Wealth

His journey began in Waterbury, Connecticut, with humble roots that planted the seeds for his relentless drive and determination. Michael emphasizes the importance of strategic partnerships, business coaching, and mentorship in his career evolution. From leveraging the expertise of others to harnessing resources and capital, his experience offers a roadmap for those seeking to make the leap from employment to entrepreneurship.

Insights for Wealth Building

Michael's narrative is rich with insights, particularly in understanding how seemingly unrelated early career gigs can lay the foundation for future success. The podcast delves into how personal milestones, such as marriage and the birth of his children, can significantly pivot one's professional trajectory. This pivot necessitated a search for stability but also opened doors to new opportunities, leading him to Phoenix, Arizona's dynamic real estate market.

Lessons On Scaling A Business For Building Wealth

Throughout the episode, Del Prete shares invaluable lessons on scaling a business. He discusses his role in the Arizona Real Estate Investors Association and how adapting to the shifting sands of market conditions, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, is crucial for growth. He emphasizes the significance of being in front of the right audience, which he achieved by taking the helm of an established association and leveraging its network to expand his reach.

Moreover, Michael highlights the benefits of wealth-building through real estate investment. He explains how associations like the Arizona Real Estate Investors Association (AZREIA) provide a platform where investors can access vetted business associates, from eviction attorneys to insurance companies. This community and support system are vital for navigating the complexities of property investment while focusing on strategic business growth and wealth building.

In the concluding chapter of the podcast, Del Prete encourages listeners to start their wealth-building journey, regardless of the size of their initial step. He underscores the notion that creating wealth is a marathon, not a sprint, and advises aspiring entrepreneurs to pace themselves for long-term success.

Conclusion For Building Wealth

In closing, the episode is not merely a discussion about real estate investment strategies; it is a comprehensive guide to achieving entrepreneurial success through adaptability, continuous learning, and strategic networking for building wealth. Michael Del Prete's story serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the potential to transform one's life through calculated risk-taking and a commitment to growth.

The key takeaway from this podcast is clear: whether you're looking to invest in the bustling market of Phoenix or elsewhere, the principles of entrepreneurship, wealth building, and property investment remain the same. Equip yourself with knowledge, surround yourself with the right people, like a mentor or business coach, and seize the opportunities that come your way.

With these strategies, you're well on your way to building a successful business and a wealthy empire.

The podcast episode is on Apple, Spotify, or other popular platforms.

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If so, schedule a call today with the premier small business coach. We’re ready to help you put in place the habits today that will unlock a lifetime of success tomorrow.

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How To Work On Your Business And Not In Your Business

As an entrepreneur, being involved in every aspect of your business can be tempting. From managing day-to-day operations to making critical strategic decisions, it feels like you have to be present at every step. However, if you want your small business to grow and succeed, learning how to work on your business and not just in it is essential.

As an entrepreneur, being involved in every aspect of your business can be tempting. From managing day-to-day operations to making critical strategic decisions, it feels like you have to be present at every step. However, if you want your small business to grow and succeed, learning how to work on your business and not just in it is essential.

So, let's begin with what it means to work 'in' your business and the challenges this presents to any small business owner.

What Does It Mean to Work 'In' Your Business?

Working in your business refers to the day-to-day operational tasks and activities necessary to keep your business running smoothly. This includes activities such as delivering products or services, managing customer inquiries, handling administrative tasks, and overseeing daily operations.

When you work in your business, you often focus on executing tasks and addressing immediate needs. It involves being hands-on in every aspect of the company and working directly with customers or clients. While this is important for the smooth functioning of your business, it can also limit your ability to work on more strategic aspects of your business that contribute to long-term growth and success.

The Challenges of Working In Your Business

Lack of Time for Strategic Planning:

You may be constantly busy with daily tasks when working in your business. This leaves little time for strategic planning and working on long-term goals. Without dedicated time to focus on strategic initiatives, your company may struggle to grow and adapt to changing market conditions.

Limited Perspective:

When you are constantly involved in day-to-day operations, gaining a broader perspective on your business becomes challenging. You may become too focused on the immediate tasks and lose sight of the bigger picture. This can hinder your ability to identify new opportunities, make informed decisions, and steer your business toward success.

Overworked and Burnout:

Being involved in every aspect of your business can lead to burnout and exhaustion. You may constantly work long hours and struggle to take breaks or time off. This can hurt your mental and physical well-being and overall productivity and effectiveness as a business owner.

Inefficiencies and Lack of Scalability:

Working in your business can hinder your ability to identify inefficiencies and implement processes that increase efficiency and scalability. You may find yourself stuck in repetitive tasks that could be automated or outsourced. This limits your ability to focus on higher-value activities that can drive growth and success.

Striking the Right Balance

While it is necessary to work 'in' your business, it is equally important to strike the right balance and allocate time to work 'on' your business. This balance will allow you to shift between the operational tasks and the strategic initiatives required for business growth.

What Does It Mean to Work On Your Business?

Working on your business means taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. It is about taking time away from daily tasks and focusing on the long-term goals and strategies that will drive your business forward. This shift in perspective is crucial for sustainable growth and creating a business that runs without you.

When you work on your business, you focus on activities that help you improve and scale your operations. This may involve developing marketing plans, defining your target audience, streamlining processes, outsourcing tasks, and expanding your network. In short, it is about working strategically to ensure your business is on the right track.

The Importance of Working On Your Business

Gaining Clarity:

Working on your business allows you to gain clarity about your vision, mission, and goals. It helps you understand where your business is headed and the steps needed to get there. This clarity empowers you to make informed decisions and align your actions with your long-term objectives.

Maximizing Growth Potential:

By working on your business, you can identify opportunities for growth and take advantage of them. You can analyze market trends, identify customer needs, and develop effective strategies to expand your business. This proactive approach can lead to increased revenue and market share.

Improving Efficiency:

When you work on your business, you can analyze your current processes and identify areas for improvement. You can increase efficiency and productivity by streamlining your operations, outsourcing non-core tasks, and leveraging technology. This allows you to focus on high-value activities that contribute to the overall success of your business.

Building a Strong Team:

Working on your business involves delegating tasks to a competent team. By focusing on strategic activities, you create opportunities for your team members to develop their skills and take on more responsibility. This empowers your employees and frees up your time to focus on higher-level tasks.

Staying Agile:

In today's fast-paced business environment, it is essential to stay agile. By working on your business, you can continuously monitor market changes, spot emerging trends, and adapt your strategies accordingly. This adaptability allows you to stay ahead of the competition and seize new opportunities.

How to Work On Your Business Effectively

Schedule Dedicated Time:

Set aside regular blocks of time to work on your business without any distractions. Depending on your business needs, this could be daily, weekly, or monthly. Treat this time as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself and prioritize working on strategic initiatives during these dedicated sessions.

Define Your Priorities:

Clearly define your long-term goals and break them down into smaller actionable steps. This will help you prioritize your tasks and ensure that you focus on activities that will significantly impact your business. Regularly review and reassess your priorities to stay on track.

Delegate and Outsource:

Identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to others, allowing you to focus on higher-level activities. Surround yourself with a competent team and trust them to handle day-to-day operations. This frees up your time and empowers your team members to take ownership and contribute to the success of your business.

Invest in Continuous Learning:

Keep learning and updating your skills and knowledge. Attend industry conferences, join relevant professional networks, and read books and articles related to your industry. Constantly seeking new knowledge and staying up-to-date with industry trends will help you make better decisions for your business.

Measure Your Progress:

Regularly track and evaluate your progress toward your business goals. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics to measure your success. Analyze your data to identify areas that need improvement and make data-driven decisions to drive your business forward.

Invest in Business Coaching and Mentorship:

Don't hesitate to seek support and mentorship from other entrepreneurs or a good business coach. They can provide proven guidance and insights into how they have successfully balanced working in and on their businesses. Why reinvent the wheel when others have already done it?


Working on your business is essential if you want to achieve sustainable growth and success. By taking a step back from day-to-day operations and focusing on strategic initiatives, you can gain clarity, maximize growth potential, improve efficiency, build a strong team, and stay agile in a competitive business landscape. By implementing the tips in this article, you can effectively work on your business and propel it towards greater heights.

Click Here if you would like one of the top small business coaches to help you with your SEO strategies.

Or call 405-919-9990 today!

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How To Scale A Business | Tips From Andres Klaric

In this podcast episode of Small Business Pivots, our guest delved into the intricate process of starting a business, emphasizing the importance of strategic thinking and planning. Andres highlighted the need for entrepreneurs to…

In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, making the leap from a stable job to starting a tech company requires not only courage but also a deep understanding of the business landscape. Andres Klaric, the co-founder and co-CEO of Fuse, recently shared his entrepreneurial journey on my podcast, Small Business Pivots, providing a wealth of knowledge for anyone considering or currently navigating the startup ecosystem.

The discussion began with Andres’s background in automotive sales and how this experience, although seemingly unrelated to technology, was formative in his development as a business leader. The skills he honed in sales—such as handling rejection and connecting with customers from diverse backgrounds—proved invaluable as he transitioned into the tech industry. Andres’s leap into entrepreneurship wasn't simply a change in career path; it was a strategic pivot toward innovation and market disruption.

The episode delved into the intricate process of starting a business, emphasizing the importance of strategic thinking and planning. Andres highlighted the need for entrepreneurs to evolve their mindset from being a 'fox', chasing numerous opportunities, to becoming a 'hedgehog', focusing intently on one big idea. This evolution is crucial for laying a solid foundation for a business. Furthermore, Andres shared insights into the scalability of automation and how technology should augment human roles, not replace them. He addressed the critical steps of forming a corporation for liability protection and the commitment necessary to transform ideas into tangible actions.

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A significant portion of the conversation centered around navigating business pivots. Andres detailed how customer demand for Fuse's loan origination technology prompted a pivot from being a loan broker to a technology provider. This strategic move underscored the importance of recognizing untapped market opportunities and the need for clear communication with stakeholders to manage transitions effectively. He discussed the challenges and rewards of such pivots, illustrating the value of being adaptable and responsive to market needs.

Another crucial topic covered was the formation and maintenance of successful business partnerships. Andres emphasized the importance of mutual respect, communication, and aligned incentives. He candidly shared the potential risks associated with starting ventures with friends or family and the benefits of a balanced business partnership that prioritizes both personal growth and enterprise value.

As the episode progressed, the role of AI in business development was examined. Andres acknowledged AI's potential while advocating for a strategic and security-conscious approach to its adoption. He reaffirmed the founder's critical role in sales and relationship-building, asserting that a founder's passion is irreplaceable in driving a business forward. For entrepreneurs facing stagnation, he advised a combination of passion and market awareness to overcome barriers and achieve success.

To wrap up the episode, the importance of continually improving business partnerships was highlighted. Regular, candid discussions with business partners were encouraged to identify areas for improvement and reinforce trust. The conversation concluded with an invitation for audience interaction and suggestions for future podcast guests and topics.

In summary, Andres Klaric's insights into starting and scaling a tech startup serve as an invaluable blueprint for entrepreneurs. His journey from automotive sales to co-founding a successful tech company illustrates the transformative power of strategic thinking, adaptability, and passion in the entrepreneurial landscape. This podcast episode is a testament to the idea that with the right approach and mindset, anyone can turn their passion into a profitable venture.

The podcast episode “Successful Business Pivots: With Fuse's Andres Klaric” is on Apple, Spotify, or other popular platforms.

👉 Don’t forget to subscribe to the show and leave a review. 👈


If so, schedule a call today with the premier small business coach. We’re ready to help you put in place the habits today that will unlock a lifetime of success tomorrow.

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Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Podcast Michael Morrison Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Podcast Michael Morrison

Small Business Growth | Tips from Erica Rankin

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, every success story includes challenges, learnings, and unwavering determination. In a recent episode of the Small Business Pivots podcast, entrepreneur Erica Rankin, the innovative founder, and CEO of Bro Dough, a Canadian edible cookie dough company, shared her inspiring entrepreneurial journey.

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, every success story includes challenges, learnings, and unwavering determination. In a recent episode of the Small Business Pivots podcast, entrepreneur Erica Rankin, the innovative founder, and CEO of Bro Dough, a Canadian edible cookie dough company, shared her inspiring entrepreneurial journey. Despite the hurdles and setbacks, Erica's narrative illuminates essential lessons for aspiring business owners, offering a beacon of guidance amidst the complexities of building a small business empire.

Leading by Example 

Erica's words echoed the importance of leadership grounded in personal example. By embodying the values and work ethic expected from the team, entrepreneurs cultivate a positive and productive work culture. Setting high standards, she stressed, is not just a managerial choice but a cornerstone of effective leadership.

“One of the biggest things I’ve learned growing my business is having non-negotiables. Taking care of your mental well-being, and physical are huge things for me!”
— Erica Rankin

Vision and Sacrifice

Erica's entrepreneurial journey underscored the significance of a crystal-clear vision. Entrepreneurs must meticulously assess every decision's alignment with their long-term goals. Additionally, she emphasized the willingness to make sacrifices that others might not comprehend. Entrepreneurship, she noted, often demands unconventional choices, necessitating a steadfast commitment to the greater vision.

Continuous Learning

Education, Erica asserted, is not confined to classrooms. Entrepreneurs must be perpetual learners, adapting to new insights, technologies, and market trends. She recommended the book "E-Myth Revisited" by Michael Gerber as a valuable resource. Erica encapsulated her belief in the phrase, "Lessons are caught, not taught," highlighting the experiential nature of entrepreneurial learning. Being receptive to lessons derived from real-life experiences equips entrepreneurs with a multifaceted understanding of the business realm.

Persistence and Focus

In a world where instant gratification often overshadows long-term goals, Erica's mentor's advice resonated deeply: "Outlast temporary." This wisdom encapsulates the ethos of unwavering determination. Entrepreneurs must resist transient temptations that divert them from their enduring vision. Persistence, she emphasized, is the bedrock upon which successful ventures are built.

A Roadmap to Success for Aspiring Business Owners

With strategic planning, adaptive learning, persistent focus, and a willingness to embrace growth, entrepreneurs can navigate the path of business ownership. Erica's story serves not merely as inspiration but as a practical roadmap, illustrating that with tenacity, resilience, and an never-give-up spirit, anyone can transform their passion into a flourishing business venture. Aspiring entrepreneurs, take heed; the journey might be challenging, but as Erica's story illuminates, the destination is worth every penny.

The podcast episode “Bro Dough: Unleashing the Sweet Success Of An Edible Cookie Dough Empire With Erica Rankin” is on Apple, Spotify, or other popular platforms.

👉 Don’t forget to subscribe to the show and leave a review. 👈


If so, schedule a call today with the premier small business coach. We’re ready to help you put in place the habits today that will unlock a lifetime of success tomorrow.

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Business Development, Marketing Michael Morrison Business Development, Marketing Michael Morrison

SEO Basics Every Business Owner Needs To Know

Not understanding the basics of Search Engine Optimization could cost you dearly. As a business coach, I want to demystify SEO for you to get a maximum ROI.

It is critical that every business owner understands the basics of SEO, as there are a multitude of SEO resources, companies, freelancers, platforms, and more available to hire. Prices for SEO services typically range from a few hundred dollars a month to thousands. Not understanding the basics could cost you dearly, and as a business coach, I want to demystify SEO for you so that you can make an educated financial decision.

Small businesses and start-ups fighting for customer attention in a crowded online marketplace need Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase visibility and drive organic traffic. SEO can help businesses identify and use specific keywords to optimize websites, strengthen online reputation, and improve customer engagement. However, SEO can be confusing for small business owners, and finding the right SEO company can be challenging. Let's demystify SEO to make it easier for small business owners to choose the right SEO strategy.

The Basics of SEO From a Business Coach’s Point of View

SEO is optimizing online content to make it more visible and rank higher in web search results. Here are some essential concepts that I can share from a business coach’s perspective:


Choosing the right keywords allows small businesses to rank higher and reach the right customers. Using keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush can help identify the best search terms for your business. For example, a few of our keywords are Business Coach, Business Coaching, Business Consultant, etc.

On-Page SEO:

On-page SEO refers to optimizing the content visible on the website itself. To optimize on-page SEO, it's essential to use relevant keywords in titles, meta tags, descriptions, headings, and URLs.

Content Quality:

The content quality of a website is one of the most critical factors to consider. High-quality content is more likely to generate organic traffic, be shared on social media, and lead to backlinks from reputable sources. For our business coaching website, we exclusively focus on backlinks for business coaching-related services and products.

Off-Page SEO:

Off-page SEO is about improving the user experience and making your business more authoritative and trustworthy. It includes link building, online reputation management, and social media engagement.

Tips From a Business Coach in Finding the Right SEO Company for Your Small Business

Here are some tips on what to look out for when choosing the right SEO company for a small business.

Assessing Business Goals and Budget:

Before engaging the services of an SEO company, it's essential to identify specific business goals and allocate a budget for SEO services. A business coach can help you establish your goals as they typically are with you during your long-term strategy.

Researching Potential Companies:

Do your research to find suitable SEO companies. Look for reviews and ask for case studies and references from their clients. A reputable SEO company should provide a detailed proposal that includes the level of service, the cost, and the expected results.

Communication and Reporting:

Clear communication between the business owner and the SEO company is essential to align goals and receive regular progress updates. A reputable SEO company should provide reports and metrics that demonstrate improvements in search rankings, traffic, and revenue.

DIY SEO for Small Business Owners

If you're on a tight budget and cannot afford an SEO company, you can still have a do-it-yourself (DIY) SEO approach. Here are some essential tips:

Optimize Content:

A well-optimized website should have a clear hierarchy of pages and titles, and each page should have a unique title and meta description. (Find more detailed explanations and some beginner-friendly tools and platforms for SEO following the conclusion section of this blog post.)

Build Backlinks:

Consider building high-quality links from reputable websites. This can be done by writing helpful blog articles and guest-posting on other sites that are relevant to your industry. It is important that the backlinks from other websites are related to your industry. For example, as a business coach, we want business-related articles, blogs, and resources. If we had backlinks from carnivals and weddings, it might be misleading to the algorithms as to what we actually do. (Find more detailed explanations and some beginner-friendly tools and platforms for SEO following the conclusion section of this blog post.)

Improve Performance:

Enhance website performance by using reputable web-hosting companies, reducing image file sizes, and reducing the number of plugins and extensions on your website. (Find more detailed explanations and some beginner-friendly tools and platforms for SEO following the conclusion section of this blog post.)


To drive organic traffic to your website, small businesses need an SEO strategy that can help them optimize their content, build backlinks, improve their online reputation, and engage more with their customers. Whether you're new to SEO or an experienced user, the right SEO company can help boost your online visibility. Alternatively, if you're a small business on a budget, you can use DIY SEO strategies to improve your online presence. Take advantage of these SEO tips and get the most out of your online marketing efforts. Your business deserves it!

If you would like a small business coach to help you with your SEO strategies, Click Here. Or call 405-919-9990 today!

Disclaimer: Our organization does not offer professional SEO services but can guide small business owners in uncharted waters. As business coaches, we are only sharing the basics so that small business owners can have a better understanding of what type of SEO services they should invest in for the growth of their company.

More detailed explanations for optimizing content, building backlinks, improving performance, and some beginner-friendly tools and platforms for SEO:

Optimizing Content

Optimizing content refers to making your website and its pages more relevant and attractive to search engines like Google. Here's how to do it in simple terms:

Use Keywords:

Research and identify keywords relevant to your business and target audience. Incorporate these keywords naturally in your page titles, headings, meta descriptions, URLs, and within the content itself. This helps search engines understand what your content is about and rank it appropriately. Google has resources for this.

Quality Content:

Create informative, engaging, and well-written content that provides value to your visitors. Write for your audience, not just for search engines. High-quality content is more likely to be shared, linked to, and ranked higher in search results.

User Experience:

Ensure your website is easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Provide a good user experience with fast-loading pages, clear site structure, and intuitive design. This improves visitor satisfaction and encourages them to stay longer on your site.

Building Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. They are important because they act as "votes" of confidence and authority in the eyes of search engines. Here's how to build backlinks:

High-Quality Content:

Create valuable content that others would naturally want to link to. When your content is informative and unique, other websites are more likely to link back to it as a reference or resource. For instance, we have other business coaches' websites linking to this article to share with their readers on SEO-related topics.

Guest Blogging:

Reach out to relevant websites and offer to write a guest post. Include a link back to your website within the article. This not only helps with building backlinks but also drives referral traffic to your website.

Online Directories and Listings:

Submit your business to relevant online directories and business listings. These typically include a link back to your website and can help improve your website's visibility and authority.

Improving Performance

Improving website performance ensures that your site loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. Here are some simple ways to do it:

Image Optimization:

Compress images to reduce their file size without compromising quality. This helps reduce the load time of your web pages. Not compressing images can lead to slow page loading, which Google frowns upon and will possibly keep the website from ranking high.

Minimize Plugins and Scripts:

Limit the number of plugins and scripts used on your website, as they can slow down its performance. Only use essential ones and regularly update them to their latest versions.

Reliable Web Hosting:

Choose a reputable web hosting provider that offers fast servers and good uptime. A reliable hosting service ensures that your website is accessible and loads quickly.

As a Business Coach, Here Are Tools and Platforms for Beginners That I Would Recommend Starting With

Here are a few beginner-friendly tools and platforms to help with SEO:

Google Analytics:

Provides valuable insights into your website's performance and visitor behavior. It shows metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates.

Google Search Console:

Helps monitor your website's presence in Google search results. It provides data on indexing, search queries, and crawl errors, helping you make improvements.


A comprehensive SEO tool that offers features like keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitor analysis. It provides insights to help you optimize your website and improve rankings.


A user-friendly SEO tool that offers website analytics, keyword tracking, and personalized action plans. It helps identify areas for improvement and provides recommendations to boost your SEO efforts.

Remember to explore these tools and platforms to get a better understanding of how they can assist you in optimizing your website and improving its overall performance.

Still don’t know where to start?

I can help! Click Here.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Business Development Michael Morrison Business Development Michael Morrison

What a CRM is and Why Your Business Needs One to Succeed

For entrepreneurs who are bootstrapping their businesses, understanding how CRM works and its benefits for your sales and marketing strategies is crucial.

Let’s demystify the concept of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and explore how it can power sales, marketing, and business growth for small business owners. As entrepreneurs who are bootstrapping their businesses, understanding how CRM works and its benefits for your sales and marketing strategies is crucial. So, let's dive in!

What is a CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. At its core, CRM is a software system that helps businesses manage and nurture their customer relationships throughout their journey. It allows businesses to efficiently store customer information, track sales opportunities, manage marketing campaigns, and more.

How a CRM Works:

Centralize and Manage Customer Information:

CRM provides a unified database where you can store all your customer data. From basic contact details to purchase history, CRM gives you a holistic view of each customer, ensuring personalized interactions and improved customer service.

Track Sales Opportunities and Manage Pipelines:

CRM allows you to track your sales opportunities, from initial contact to closing the deal. With features such as pipeline management, you can effectively monitor your sales team's progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.

Manage Marketing Campaigns and Automation:

From targeted email campaigns to automated follow-ups, CRM empowers your marketing efforts. By leveraging customer data stored in CRM, you can segment your audience, send personalized messages, and track campaign performance for better ROI.

Seamless Integration with Other Tools and Systems:

CRM integrates with various tools and systems you already use, such as email marketing platforms, social media, and customer support software. This integration streamlines data flow, improves collaboration, and enhances overall efficiency.

Empowering Sales with CRM:

With CRM, sales teams can:

Centralize customer data for better insights and enhanced customer experiences.

Streamline sales processes, saving time and effort.

Improve lead management, ensuring no opportunity falls through the cracks.

Enhancing Marketing with CRM

For marketers, CRM enables:

Targeted marketing campaigns based on customer data, increasing conversion rates.

Tracking and measuring marketing performance, enabling data-driven decisions.

Personalizing customer interactions, nurturing relationships, and improving engagement.

Driving Business Growth with CRM

The benefits of CRM for business growth include:

Strengthening customer relationships, leading to increased loyalty and customer retention.

Identifying and capitalizing on cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Enhancing customer service and satisfaction, resulting in positive word-of-mouth and referrals.

Choosing the Right CRM Solution:

When selecting a CRM solution, consider:

Your specific business needs and objectives.

Scalability and flexibility of the CRM platform.

Ease of use and the availability of training and support.

Integration capabilities with existing systems.

Pricing structure and affordability.

Understanding how a CRM is a game changer for Small Businesses:

For small business owners, CRM offers unique advantages that can level the playing field with larger competitors. Here are some key aspects to consider:


Many small businesses have limited budgets, and investing in expensive CRM software may seem intimidating. However, there are affordable CRM solutions available that cater specifically to the needs of small businesses. These solutions often offer flexible pricing models, allowing you to pay as you grow.

Customization and Scalability:

Small businesses have unique requirements, and CRM systems acknowledge that. Look for a CRM solution that allows you to customize fields, workflows, and reports to align with your specific processes. Additionally, scalability is essential as your business expands. Ensure that the CRM platform can accommodate the growth of your customer base and team.

Ease of Use:

As a small business owner, you may not have a dedicated IT department to handle complex software implementation. Look for a user-friendly CRM system that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Avoid solutions that require extensive technical expertise or significant training for your team to get started.

Mobile Accessibility:

In today's digital landscape, having access to your CRM system on the go is essential. Look for CRM platforms that offer mobile apps or are optimized for mobile browsing. This feature allows you to access customer information, manage leads, and stay connected to your business even when you're away from the office.

Integration Possibilities:

Your business likely already uses various software tools like email clients, project management platforms, or accounting software. Ensure that the CRM system you choose integrates seamlessly with these existing tools. This integration minimizes data silos and ensures a smooth flow of information across different applications.

Support and Training:

While CRM systems are designed to be user-friendly, it's always helpful to have access to support resources and training materials. Look for CRM providers that offer comprehensive documentation, video tutorials, and responsive customer support. Having reliable support ensures that you can maximize the value of your CRM investment and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

By considering these aspects, small business owners can choose a CRM solution that aligns with their unique needs, providing all the necessary tools to boost sales, streamline marketing efforts, and foster business growth.


CRM is not just for large enterprises. Small business owners can leverage the power of CRM to manage their customer relationships, streamline sales and marketing, and achieve significant growth. With the right CRM solution tailored to their specific needs, small businesses can level the playing field and compete effectively in today's market.

Remember, your path to success starts with embracing the power of CRM.

If you're ready to explore CRM solutions tailored to your business needs, contact our team today for a personalized consultation.

Want a small business coach to help you build a profitable business that can run without you? Click Here.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison

Setting SMART Business Goals: A Simple Guide for Success in the New Year

For business owners, setting goals is a critical part of keeping your organization on track and achieving success in the long term. In this blog post, we will go through the steps you can take to plan your business goals…

The end of a year is a great time to reflect on the past twelve months and set goals for the upcoming year. For business owners, setting goals that you can achieve is a critical part of keeping your organization on track and achieving success in the long term. In this blog post, we will go through the steps you can take to plan your business goals for the new year.

Reflect on the Past Year:

Before you start setting new goals for your business, take some time to look back on the past year. What were your accomplishments? What goals did you not meet? What worked well, and what didn't? This reflection will help you to assess where your business stands and what areas need improvement. It can also help you identify any roadblocks or challenges you encountered in the previous year so you can work to address them moving forward.

Some examples of things you might reflect on include:

Sales: Did your business meet its sales targets for the year? If not, what contributed to that miss?

Customer satisfaction: How satisfied were your customers with your products or services? Were there any common complaints or issues that arose throughout the year?

Employee satisfaction: Were your employees happy with their jobs? Did you see high turnover rates or low engagement from your team?

Market trends: Were there any significant changes or developments in your industry? Did your business adapt to these changes or fall behind?

By looking back at these and other vital factors, you can get a sense of what you should focus on in the upcoming year.

Set SMART Goals:

Once you've reflected on the past year, it's time to set new goals for your business. When setting these goals, it's essential to ensure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Specific: Your goals should be clearly defined and precise. Avoid vague phrases like "increase sales" or "grow the business." Instead, be clear about what you want to achieve, such as "increase sales by 10% in Q2."

Measurable: Your goals should be quantifiable so you can track your progress and assess whether you've achieved them. For example, "increase social media followers by 1000" is more measurable than "improve our social media presence."

Achievable: Be realistic about what you can achieve. While it's great to set ambitious goals, they should still be attainable, given your resources and constraints.

Relevant: Your goals should align with your overall business strategy and be pertinent to your industry and customers. If you're a software company, for example, "develop a new mobile app" might be more relevant than "create a line of physical products."

Time-Bound: Set a deadline for achieving your goals, whether that's by month, quarter, or year-end. This will help you to stay accountable and focused on achieving the goal within a specific timeframe.

Some examples of SMART goals for businesses might include:

Increase revenue by 15% in the upcoming fiscal year

Launch a new product line in Q2

Cut operating expenses by 10% by the end of the year

Improve customer satisfaction ratings by 20 by the end of Q3

Once you've set SMART goals, make sure everyone on your team is clear about what they are and what specific actions are needed to achieve them.

Prioritize Your Goals:

Being realistic about what can be accomplished in a given timeframe is important. Some goals may be more urgent or important than others, so you must prioritize them effectively. You might use a grid or chart to help you visualize which goals are high or low priority, or a ranking system where goals are assigned a number or letter (e.g. A/B/C, 1/2/3, etc.).

When prioritizing your goals, consider the following:

Alignment with overall strategy: Are your goals aligned with your business's overall strategy and mission?

Impact on business: Which goals will have the greatest impact on your business's success?

Resource availability: What resources (time, money, team members) do you have available to dedicate to each goal?

By prioritizing your goals, you'll ensure that your team's efforts and resources are being directed towards the most important objectives.

Break Down Goals Into Manageable Tasks:

Once you have established your overall goals and priorities, it's important to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This process can help you identify the steps needed to achieve each goal and can make the goals feel more achievable and less daunting.

For example, if one of your goals is to "increase website traffic by 25%," some of the manageable tasks involved might be:

Conduct keyword research and optimize website copy accordingly

Develop a content marketing plan and calendar

Increase social media presence and engagement

By breaking down your goals into tasks, you'll also be able to allocate these tasks to specific team members or departments, so everyone knows what they need to work on.

Involve Your Team:

Goals don't just come from the top down - involving your team in the goal-setting process is also important. By asking for input and ideas, you'll help your team feel more invested in the success of the business and you may also uncover opportunities for innovation and growth that you otherwise wouldn't have thought of.

Here are some ways you might involve your team in setting business goals:

Hold a group brainstorming session to generate ideas and goals

Ask team members to suggest areas where the business could improve

Provide team members with a list of proposed goals and ask for their feedback and input

By involving your team, you'll make sure that everyone is on the same page and feels motivated to work towards the goals.

Review and Revise Regularly:

Lastly, it's important to stay flexible and adaptable as you work towards your goals. Your business environment and circumstances might change throughout the year, and adjusting your goals and plans is important.

Make sure to regularly review your progress towards your goals and assess whether you need to make any changes. Do this on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis, depending on the scale and length of your goals.

If you find that you're not on track to reach a goal or that the goal is no longer a priority, don't be afraid to revise it or even scrap it altogether. It's better to be agile and adapt to change than to be rigid and stick to a plan that's no longer working.


Setting business goals for the new year is critical to the success of any organization. By reflecting on the past year, setting SMART goals that align with your business strategy, prioritizing effectively, breaking down goals into manageable tasks, involving your team, and regularly reviewing and revising, you'll be well on your way to achieving success in the upcoming year.

Want a professional small business coach to help you plan your small business success? Click Here.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Unleash Your Potential: Is a Small Business Coach Worth It?

In this blog post, we'll explore the immense value that small business coaches can bring to your entrepreneurial journey and how they can inspire you to reach new heights.

Running a small business can be an exhilarating journey filled with dreams of success, financial independence, and the satisfaction of seeing your vision come to life. 

However, this path has its challenges. Many small business owners struggle to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, often feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and, at times, on the brink of giving up. 

This is where the question arises: Is a small business coach worth it? 

In this blog post, we'll explore the immense value that business coaches can bring to your entrepreneurial journey and how they can inspire you to reach new heights.

The Small Business Struggle’s

To truly appreciate the worth of a business coach, let's first acknowledge the everyday struggles that many small business owners face:

  1. Lack of Clarity: It's not uncommon for entrepreneurs to have a great product or service but struggle to define their long-term vision, mission, and goals. Without a clear direction, it's easy to become lost in the market's noise.

  2. Limited Resources: Small businesses often operate on tight budgets. Finding the right balance between investments and cost-cutting can be challenging, especially when trying to grow.

  3. Overwhelming Responsibilities: As a small business owner, you wear many hats – from CEO to janitor. The sheer volume of responsibilities can lead to burnout and a loss of focus on core business activities.

  4. Isolation: Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. Small business owners often lack a support network and someone to bounce ideas off of, leading to feelings of isolation.

  5. Stagnation: Some businesses plateau after initial growth, unable to break through to the next level. Often, the business owner is the one to blame as they are the bottleneck keeping the business from moving forward.

The Role of a Business Coach

Now, let's dive into how a business coach can be your guiding light through these challenges and why they are worth every penny:

  1. Clarity and Vision: A skilled business coach will help you define your vision and long-term goals. They ask the tough questions that encourage you to think critically about your business's purpose and direction. With a clear vision, you'll have a roadmap to follow, making every decision more purposeful.

  2. Resource Optimization: Business coaches can assist you in making wise financial decisions. They'll help you identify where to invest and where to cut costs, ensuring that your resources are used efficiently to drive growth.

  3. Accountability: One of the most valuable aspects of a business coach is accountability. Knowing that someone is tracking your progress and holding you to your commitments can be a powerful motivator. It prevents procrastination and encourages consistent action towards your goals.

  4. Mentorship and Guidance: A business coach is a mentor who has "been there, done that." They provide valuable insights based on their own experiences and can help you avoid common pitfalls. Their guidance can save you time, money, and headaches.

  5. Networking and Support: Many business coaches have extensive networks of professionals in various industries. They can connect you with experts and potential collaborators, expanding your support system and opening doors to new opportunities.

  6. Continuous Learning: Business coaches are committed to your growth. They'll encourage you to invest in your own education, providing resources and suggesting courses or workshops to develop your skills and help you improve your time management.

Inspiration Through Business Success Stories

To inspire you further, let's explore a couple of success stories from small business owners who invested in business coaching:

Sarah's Story: Sarah had a passion for baking and decided to turn it into a business. However, after a year of struggling to make ends meet, she was on the verge of closing shop. She hired a business coach who helped her refine her product offerings, improve her marketing strategy, and manage her finances more effectively. Within two years, Sarah's bakery was thriving, and she had expanded to multiple locations.

John's Story: John ran a small IT consulting firm but found it challenging to scale beyond a certain point. His business coach introduced him to new technologies and helped him build a team of skilled professionals. With the coach's guidance, John's company secured lucrative contracts with major corporations, and he experienced exponential growth.

In the world of small business, the question of whether business coaches are worth it can be answered with a resounding "yes." They provide invaluable guidance, support, and inspiration to help you overcome challenges and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

Remember, every successful entrepreneur has faced obstacles along the way. It's not a sign of weakness to seek assistance; it's a testament to your commitment to succeed. 

So, if you're a small business owner struggling to find your way, consider investing in a business coach. Their wisdom and experience can be the catalyst for transformative growth and prosperity. Embrace the journey, and let a business coach light the path to your success.

Let's delve deeper into the benefits of business coaching and explore additional reasons why it may be worth your investment.

Goal Setting and Achievement: 

Business coaches excel at helping you set realistic and achievable goals. They break down your long-term vision into smaller, actionable steps. This approach not only makes your objectives more manageable but also allows for regular check-ins to assess progress. 

You'll gain confidence and motivation to keep pushing forward as you consistently achieve these milestones.

Personal Growth:

Running a business is not just about managing finances and operations; it's also about personal growth. A business coach helps you develop critical leadership, communication, and decision-making skills. Through constructive feedback and tailored exercises, they empower you to become a better version of yourself professionally and personally.

Resilience and Adaptability:

The business landscape constantly evolves, and unforeseen challenges can arise at any moment. A business coach helps you build resilience and adaptability. They teach you to embrace change, learn from failures, and bounce back stronger. This skill is invaluable in a world where adaptability is critical to survival.

Work-Life Integration:

Many small business owners need help with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The relentless pursuit of success can lead to burnout and strained relationships. A business coach helps you prioritize your well-being and create a sustainable schedule. Integrating your work and personal life improves overall happiness and productivity.

Confidence Boost:

Entrepreneurship often requires making bold decisions and taking calculated risks. Doubt and fear can hinder your progress. A business coach serves as your cheerleader, encouraging and boosting your self-confidence. With their support, you'll feel more self-assured in your decision-making, which can profoundly impact your business's success.

Customized Strategies:

Unlike generic business advice, a business coach tailors their strategies to your unique situation. They consider your industry, market conditions, competition, and specific challenges. This personalized approach ensures that your solutions are precisely suited to your business, increasing their effectiveness.

Long-Term Perspective:

Small business owners often get caught up in day-to-day operations and must catch up on their long-term goals. A business coach helps you maintain a strategic perspective. They remind you of your vision and ensure that your action aligns with your ultimate objectives, preventing you from getting lost in the weeds.

Financial Growth:

Investing in a business coach may seem like an expense, but it's more accurately an investment in your business's financial growth. Their guidance and strategies can lead to increased revenue, higher profit margins, and improved financial stability. The return on investment can be substantial.

Legacy Building:

Beyond financial success, many entrepreneurs desire to leave a lasting legacy. A business coach can help you shape your business in a way that benefits you, your community, and future generations. This sense of purpose can be profoundly fulfilling and inspiring.

In conclusion, whether business coaches are worth it isn't just about the cost; it's about the value they bring to your life and business. They are mentors, motivators, and strategists rolled into one. They provide you with the tools and mindset necessary to overcome obstacles and reach your full potential.

Remember that every successful business leader, from Steve Jobs to Oprah Winfrey, has had mentors and coaches who played pivotal roles in their success

So, if you're a small business owner struggling to find your way, consider the transformational power of a business coach.

Their influence can elevate you from surviving to thriving, from dreaming to achieving, and from struggling to soaring. 

Embrace the opportunity, and let a business coach guide you to extraordinary success. Your journey is just beginning, and the possibilities are endless with the right coach by your side.

So take that leap of faith and embark on a transformative journey with a small business coach – you won't regret it. Your business's success is just a coaching session away!

Wondering how to find a business coach right for you? Click Here.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Why Partnerships Fail And How A Small Business Coach Can Lead The Way To Success

Business partnerships have emerged as a promising avenue for growth, innovation, and shared achievements in the intricate landscape of business success. However, the stark reality is that not all small business partnerships flourish; many crumble due to…

Business partnerships have emerged as a promising avenue for growth, innovation, and shared achievements in the intricate landscape of business success. However, the stark reality is that not all small business partnerships flourish; many crumble due to various challenges. To navigate the complexity of why partnerships fail, dissecting the key factors contributing to their downfall is essential. 

In this exploration, we will deep dive into the core reasons why partnerships fail, shedding light on each facet while offering insights into cultivating partnerships that stand the test of time. Additionally, we'll explore how the guidance of a small business coach can provide invaluable assistance in mitigating these pitfalls.

If you want to quickly decide if a business partner is a missing piece to your success puzzle, learn more about our affordable online course, “Are Two Heads Better Than One? Unlock The Key To Deciding If A Business Partnership Is A Missing Piece For Your Business Success.”

1 - Misaligned Goals and Visions: The Crucial Foundation

Partnerships often commence with high hopes and ambitious visions. However, the absence of aligned goals can unravel even the most promising alliances. For instance, consider a scenario where a tech startup partners with an established corporation. Conflicts can arise due to incongruent trajectories if the startup envisions rapid innovation while the corporation prioritizes stability. Such discord in direction fosters resentment and sows the seeds of failure as conflicting expectations chip away at the partnership's foundation.

A skilled small business coach can help bridge this gap by facilitating goal-setting sessions that align with the partners' visions. They can mediate discussions and guide the partners in identifying common objectives, ensuring a solid foundation for collaboration.

2 - Lack of Clear Communication: The Silent Eroder

Effective communication serves as the bedrock of any successful partnership. When communication falters, misunderstandings and missed opportunities arise. Partners who assume rather than converse are at risk of nurturing silent resentments. Picture this: one partner believes the other will handle a critical marketing campaign, leading to a missed deadline and loss of opportunities.

A small business coach can conduct workshops on effective communication strategies, teaching partners to express their ideas clearly and actively listen to each other. Business partners can refine their communication skills through role-playing exercises and real-world examples, enhancing the overall partnership dynamic.

3 - Unequal Contributions and Efforts: The Imbalance Dilemma

Partnerships thrive on mutual effort and balanced contributions. However, the scales tip precariously when one business partner shoulders a disproportionate load regarding resources, responsibilities, or dedication. This imbalance breeds mistrust and undermines the very essence of collaboration. Imagine a scenario where one partner contributes most of the financial investment but expects the other partner to handle most of the workload.

A small business coach can assist in negotiating fair terms, ensuring that contributions are proportional and clearly defined. Their expertise in business dynamics can guide business partners in determining a balance that reflects their respective strengths and capabilities.

4 - Incompatible Cultures and Values: A Fractured Alliance

Divergent cultures and conflicting values can act as poison to business partnerships. Consider a situation where one business partner values transparency while the other prioritizes confidentiality. This incongruence extends to decision-making styles, communication approaches, and strategic approaches. The resulting friction can derail even the most well-intentioned collaborations.

A small business coach can facilitate workshops exploring business partner organizations' cultural values. The coach empowers business partners to navigate potential cultural clashes more effectively by identifying common ground and creating strategies to manage differences.

5 - Failure to Adapt and Evolve: The Stagnation Pitfall

In the dynamic business landscape, business partnerships must evolve to remain relevant. Failure to adapt to shifting market dynamics, technological advancements, or changing customer preferences leads to stagnation. Embracing change and staying nimble is critical for partnership longevity.

A small business coach with industry insights can guide business partners in identifying emerging trends and adapting their strategies accordingly. They provide an external perspective that aids in recognizing areas where adjustments are necessary for sustained success.

6 - Financial Disputes and Mismanagement: The Monetary Quagmire

Monetary disputes can swiftly unravel business partnerships. Disagreements over financial contributions, profit distribution, and investment decisions sow discord. Partners must create clear financial agreements, maintain transparency, and foster a shared fiscal vision to ensure the partnership's resilience.

A small business coach experienced in financial management can help business partners develop comprehensive financial plans that outline contributions, profit sharing, and investment strategies. Setting these parameters upfront significantly reduces the likelihood of financial disputes.

7 - Lack of Defined Roles and Responsibilities: The Ambiguity Abyss

The ambiguity surrounding roles and responsibilities leads to chaos within business partnerships. Partners grappling with undefined roles are prone to confusion and blame-shifting. Clear delineation of tasks, obligations, and decision-making authority is vital for a harmonious collaborative rhythm.

A small business coach can facilitate role-definition sessions, where partners outline their strengths and preferences. By matching these to specific roles, business partners enter the partnership with a clear understanding of their responsibilities and how they contribute to the overall success.

8 - Changing Market Conditions: The Unpredictability Factor

Business partnerships unprepared for external disruptions are vulnerable. Economic downturns, regulatory shifts, or sudden market changes can undermine even the most promising collaborations. Partners must remain adaptable, ready to pivot in response to unforeseen challenges.

Armed with industry expertise, a small business coach can guide business partners in scenario planning and risk mitigation. By anticipating potential challenges, partners can develop contingency plans that allow them to navigate unexpected shifts in the market.

9 - Ego and Power Struggles: The Collaboration Killer

Ego-driven power struggles can dismantle business partnerships. When personal agendas overshadow shared goals, conflicts ensue. Successful partnerships require prioritizing collective objectives and minimizing personal ego.

A small business coach can facilitate conflict resolution workshops, equipping partners with tools to address ego-driven disputes constructively. By fostering a culture of open dialogue and mutual respect, the coach helps partners overcome personal barriers to collaboration.


A roadmap to small business partnership success emerges as we unveil the intricate landscape of why partnerships fail. Navigating through misaligned goals, communication breakdowns, and other pitfalls allows us to build enduring and thriving partnerships. Learning from failures gives us the tools to construct robust collaborations rooted in effective communication, mutual understanding, and equilibrium.

Are you ready to unravel the secrets of successful business partnerships and sidestep the pitfalls of failure with the guidance of a seasoned small business coach? 

Immerse yourself in our comprehensive online course, a treasure trove of insights into the intricacies of why partnerships fail. 

Gain the knowledge and strategies necessary to foster enduring, fruitful alliances. 

Embark on this transformative journey now and seize the opportunity to cultivate partnerships that weather challenges and emerge stronger. 

With the support of a small business coach, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the business partnership landscape with confidence and expertise.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Unlocking Success: How Small Business Coaching Can Help Your Small Business Thrive

Running a small business can be both exciting and challenging.

In this blog, we will explore how coaching for small businesses can help small business owners tackle their toughest challenges and how the coaching process breaks down the fear of the unknown.

Running a small business can be both exciting and challenging. Small business owners often need help managing finances and marketing to handle personnel and strategic planning. Many entrepreneurs may need help to take critical steps toward growth due to the fear of the unknown. However, this is where small business coaching steps in, acting as a valuable guide, mentor, and problem solver

In this blog, we will explore how coaching for small businesses can help entrepreneurs tackle their toughest challenges and how the coaching process breaks down the fear of the unknown.

1 - Identifying Pain Points and Setting Goals

The first step in small business coaching is identifying pain points and setting clear goals. Every business faces unique challenges, and a small business coach works closely with entrepreneurs to assess their businesses and understand their specific pain points. Whether it's struggling with marketing, facing financial difficulties, or encountering operational inefficiencies, a business coach helps pinpoint these issues and prioritize them. With a clear understanding of the business owner's aspirations, the coach helps set realistic and achievable goals, creating a roadmap for success.

2 - Crafting Effective Business Strategies

Once the pain points are identified, the small business coach collaborates with the small business owner to develop effective business strategies. Drawing on their expertise and experience, the coach offers insights and proven methods to address specific challenges. For example, if the business is facing tough competition in its niche, a business coach might suggest innovative marketing techniques to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, the coach may help refine the business model to adapt to changing market dynamics or explore new untapped markets to expand the business's reach.

3 - Financial Management and Planning

Financial management is a critical aspect of running any small business. Many small business owners struggle with budgeting, cash flow management, and understanding financial statements. A small business coach guides you in developing a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with the business's objectives. They help create budgets, manage cash flow effectively, and interpret financial statements to make informed decisions. This financial empowerment allows the business owner to face financial challenges with confidence, reducing the fear of the unknown.

4 - Marketing and Branding

Effective marketing and branding are essential for success in today's competitive business landscape. A small business coach can assist in creating a compelling brand identity that resonates with the target audience. They help design and implement marketing campaigns tailored to the business's unique selling points, ensuring that the message reaches the right customers through various channels. Moreover, the coach may explore digital marketing strategies to capitalize on the online market presence, opening up new growth opportunities.

5 - Improving Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills

The ability to make critical decisions and solve problems is at the heart of successful entrepreneurship. However, it's not uncommon for small business owners to feel overwhelmed by the weight of such decisions, especially when outcomes are uncertain. A small business coach acts as a mentor, guiding the owner through decision-making. They assist in assessing risks, analyzing alternatives, and evaluating potential outcomes, leading to more informed choices. This enhanced decision-making capacity empowers the small business owners to tackle challenges with a clearer perspective, reducing fear and hesitancy.

6 - Enhancing Leadership and Management Skills

Effective leadership and management are crucial for creating a cohesive and productive team. Small business coaches focus on honing leadership skills, encouraging a positive work culture, and resolving employee conflicts. They help small business owners understand different management styles and identify the best approach with the business's values and objectives. Improved leadership skills translate to a more engaged and motivated workforce, increasing productivity and overall success.

7 - Accountability and Motivation

Owning a business can sometimes feel isolating, and staying motivated can be challenging, especially during difficult times. Small business coaches play a pivotal role as accountability partners. They regularly check in with the entrepreneur, monitor progress toward set goals, and provide constructive feedback. This accountability helps keep the business owner on track and motivated to stay focused on achieving their objectives, regardless of the uncertainties they may encounter.

8 - Building Confidence and Overcoming Fear

The fear of the unknown can be a significant barrier for small business owners when taking risks and exploring new opportunities. Through personalized coaching, the small business owner gains confidence in their abilities and the value they bring to their business. Coaches work on bolstering the entrepreneur's self-belief and instilling a growth mindset. By developing this newfound confidence, entrepreneurs can navigate uncertainty with resilience and adaptability.


Small business coaching is a transformative process that empowers entrepreneurs to conquer their most demanding challenges. By providing expert guidance, business acumen, and emotional support, small business coaches become invaluable assets to any business owner. 

Moreover, the coaching process breaks down the fear of the unknown, allowing small business owners to navigate their business journey confidently and determinedly. Embracing the assistance of a small business coach can be the key to unlocking success and taking your business to new heights.

In conclusion, small business coaching offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact the success and growth of a business. From identifying pain points and setting clear goals to crafting effective strategies and enhancing leadership skills, the support and guidance of a small business coach can be a game-changer. The fear of the unknown often holds small business owners back, but they can gain the confidence to tackle challenges and embrace opportunities through personalized coaching.

Small business coaching is not limited to any specific region; it's a resource that can benefit entrepreneurs in various locations and industries. Whether you're running a startup, managing a family business, or scaling an established company, seeking the assistance of a business coach can lead to remarkable improvements.

As an entrepreneur, investing in small business coaching is an investment in yourself and the future of your business. It's an opportunity to gain fresh perspectives, learn new strategies, and navigate the complexities of business ownership with support and guidance. By breaking down the fear of the unknown and empowering you with the tools to overcome challenges, a small business coach can help you unlock the full potential of your business and achieve lasting success. 

So take that leap of faith and embark on a transformative journey with a small business coach – you won't regret it. Your business's success is just a coaching session away!

Wondering how to find a business coach right for you? Click Here.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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How To Build A Small Business That Works Without You: The Steps You Need To Know

This blog post will delve into critical strategies to help small business owners develop a thriving enterprise that can flourish even when not physically present, freeing up time for other pursuits.

Starting a small business is an exciting adventure for many entrepreneurs. However, the ultimate goal is not just to create a business but to build one that can operate efficiently and grow sustainably without relying solely on the owner's constant presence. 

This blog post will delve into critical strategies to help small business owners develop a thriving enterprise that can flourish even when not physically present, freeing up time for other pursuits. 

You can turn your small business into a self-sufficient and prosperous venture through effective planning, business coaching, and embracing the entrepreneurial spirit.

1 - Lay a Solid Foundation:

Building a successful business starts with a strong foundation. Define your purpose, vision, mission, and goals clearly. Understand your target audience, identify your unique selling proposition, and assess the market demand for your product or service. Conduct thorough market research to gain insights into your competitors and industry trends. These fundamental steps will help you chart a strategic course for your small business.

2 - Cultivate a Productive Team:

It would be best to cultivate a capable and motivated team to create a business that doesn't rely solely on your presence. Surround yourself with talented individuals who share your passion and vision. Hiring the right people, fostering a positive work environment, and providing opportunities for professional growth will empower your team to take ownership and make decisions in your absence.

3 - Delegate Effectively:

Learning to delegate is vital for small business owners who want to grow their ventures. Identify your strengths and delegate tasks that align better with your team's skillsets. Trust your employees to handle responsibilities and give them the authority to make decisions. Effective delegation relieves your workload and fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment within your team.

4 - Invest in Small Business Coaching:

Embracing business coaching can be a game-changer for small business owners. A small business coach provides invaluable insights, guidance, and an objective perspective on your operations. They can help you identify growth opportunities, overcome challenges, and develop strategies for long-term success. Working with a small business coach can save time and resources, accelerating your business's growth trajectory. If you are wondering the investment of business coaching and how it works, click here.

5 - Leverage Technology:

Technology is pivotal in streamlining operations and maximizing efficiency in the digital age. Invest in tools and software that automate repetitive tasks, track key metrics, manage customer relationships, and optimize business processes. Embrace e-commerce platforms and digital marketing to expand your reach and engage with a broader audience.

6 - Focus on Customer Experience:

A satisfied customer is likelier to become loyal and recommend your business to others. Prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences by actively seeking feedback and implementing improvements based on customer suggestions. Happy customers drive repeat business and become brand advocates, helping your business grow through word-of-mouth.

7 - Create Systems and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

Efficiency and consistency are essential for a business to run smoothly without constant oversight. Develop clear and comprehensive standard operating procedures (SOPs) for critical aspects of your business. SOPs ensure that tasks are performed consistently and facilitate the training of new employees. These systems help maintain quality and reduce the potential for errors or misunderstandings.

8 - Foster Innovation and Adaptability:

Embrace an entrepreneurial mindset that encourages innovation and adaptability. Stay open to new ideas and be willing to evolve with changing market conditions. Monitor industry trends and emerging technologies to remain competitive. Encourage your team to contribute innovative solutions and create an environment where experimentation is encouraged.

9 - Financial Management:

Sound financial management is crucial for the long-term sustainability of any business. Keep a close eye on cash flow, track expenses, and create a budget to ensure your business remains financially healthy. Regularly analyze financial statements and make data-driven decisions to optimize profitability and allocate resources effectively. Consider seeking the advice of a financial advisor or accountant to gain valuable insights into your financial position and potential areas for improvement.

10 - Marketing and Branding:

Effective marketing and branding are essential for attracting and retaining customers. Develop a well-defined marketing strategy that encompasses both online and offline channels. Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach your target audience. Build a strong brand identity communicating your business's values, mission, and unique offerings. A strong brand presence can help differentiate your business in a competitive market.

11 - Continuous Learning and Professional Development:

As a small business owner, staying updated with industry trends, best practices, and innovations is crucial. Engage in continuous learning and encourage your team to do the same. Attend workshops, webinars, and industry conferences to expand your knowledge and skill set. Encourage employees to participate in training programs and invest in their professional development. Embracing a culture of learning fosters a dynamic and adaptable business environment. Learn To Earn. We have a few book suggestions for small business owners here.

12 - Scalability and Growth Planning:

Plan for the future and focus on scalability. Consider how your business can expand without compromising on quality. Assess whether your current processes and systems can handle increased demand and identify improvement areas to accommodate growth. Develop a clear growth plan with milestones and strategies to achieve your business's expansion goals. Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your plan as the market and your business evolve.

13 - Risk Management and Contingency Planning:

Every business faces potential risks and challenges. It's essential to proactively identify and manage these risks to protect your business and its assets. Create a risk management plan that outlines potential threats and mitigation strategies. This plan should also include a contingency plan to deal with unexpected events, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or changes in the market. A solid risk management and contingency plan can help minimize disruptions and protect your business's continuity.


Building a small business that thrives without constant oversight is a realizable goal with the right approach and mindset. You can create a self-sufficient and successful enterprise by establishing a solid foundation, nurturing a productive team, leveraging technology, and focusing on customer experience. Remember to invest in business coaching and develop effective systems and SOPs to ensure consistent operations. With dedication and an entrepreneurial spirit, you can grow your small business into a flourishing venture that allows you the freedom to pursue other passions while still reaping the rewards of your hard work.

It's important to remember that building a thriving business is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

It's important to note that while a business coach can provide valuable guidance and support, the ultimate responsibility for implementing strategies and achieving small business success rests with the small business owner. The coaching relationship should be built on mutual trust, open communication, and a commitment to collaboration to ensure the best possible outcomes for the business.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Business Development Michael Morrison Business Development Michael Morrison

The Ultimate List of The Top 20 Business Books for Small Business Owners

Ongoing learning through resources like books and podcasts equips small business owners with up-to-date knowledge, valuable insights, and the ability to adapt and grow. It is essential for long-term success in today's dynamic business environment. Learn to Earn and Why!

For small business owners, continuous learning and personal development are crucial for staying ahead in today's competitive market. Reading insightful business books provides valuable knowledge and guidance and offers inspiration and fresh perspectives. In this blog post, my team and I present the top 20 business books that we feel are essential for small business owners. From leadership and management to marketing and growth strategies, these books cover a wide range of topics to help you succeed. As a bonus, we will also highlight "Do Not: Start or Run a Business My Way," a book I wrote as your small business specialist, Michael Morrison, which provides unique insights and unconventional advice for entrepreneurs. 

Let's dive in!

  1. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries: This groundbreaking book introduces the lean startup methodology, emphasizing the importance of continuous innovation, customer feedback, and iteration. It provides valuable insights on how to build a successful business while minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.

  2. "Good to Great" by Jim Collins: Jim Collins explores the key differentiators between good companies and truly great ones. The book presents valuable lessons on leadership, sustainable growth, and the importance of building a strong organizational culture.

  3. "The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber: In this classic, Gerber explains the entrepreneurial myth and offers guidance on how small business owners can avoid common pitfalls. It emphasizes the importance of working on the business for long-term success rather than in the business. This book is one of our all-time favorites that my team and I often read from cover to cover.

  4. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill: An all-time classic. This book explores the mindset and principles necessary for achieving financial success. It offers timeless wisdom on goal setting, perseverance, and the power of positive thinking. This is a book that continues to stand the test of time.

  5. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey: Covey's book presents a holistic approach to personal and professional effectiveness. It outlines seven habits that can transform individuals into highly successful and fulfilled business owners.

  6. "Crushing It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk: In this book, Vaynerchuk provides valuable advice on leveraging social media platforms to build a personal brand and grow a business. It's a must-read for small business owners looking to harness the power of social media marketing.

  7. "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen: Christensen examines disruptive innovation and explains how established companies can navigate the challenges of disruptive technologies. The book provides insights into staying competitive and fostering business growth in a rapidly changing market. Innovation is critical for success!

  8. "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek: Sinek's book explores the power of purpose and why it is crucial for business success. By identifying and communicating the "why" behind your business, you can inspire loyalty and differentiate yourself from the competition.

  9. "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin: In this book, Godin emphasizes the importance of standing out in a crowded marketplace. It encourages small business owners to create remarkable products or services that are truly unique, attracting customers and driving growth. The title itself is fun and easy to read!

  10. "The Four-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss: Ferriss challenges the traditional notion of work and introduces strategies for achieving more with less. The book provides practical tips on outsourcing, automation, and time management, enabling small business owners to achieve greater efficiency. This book will challenge you to think differently and not how you think.

  11. "Scaling Up" by Verne Harnish: A practical guide to scaling businesses, Harnish's book covers essential strategies and frameworks for sustainable growth. It focuses on the four critical areas of business: people, strategy, execution, and cash. An abundance of nuggets is in this book.

  12. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle: While not specifically a business book, Tolle's masterpiece teaches the importance of living in the present moment. By adopting a mindful approach, small business owners can enhance their decision-making, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being.

  13. "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell explores the tipping point concept and how small changes can lead to significant impacts. The book provides insights into marketing, social trends, and the art of creating viral growth for businesses.

  14. "The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan emphasizes the power of focus and prioritization. It guides small business owners in identifying and focusing on the most critical tasks that drive business success.

  15. "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hsieh: Hsieh, the former CEO of Zappos, shares his entrepreneurial journey and the importance of delivering exceptional customer service. The book highlights the impact of company culture and how it contributes to business growth.

  16. "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu: Though a military strategy book, "The Art of War" offers valuable lessons on leadership, strategic planning, and competitive advantage. Small business owners can apply these principles to outmaneuver competitors and achieve business success.

  17. "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini: Cialdini delves into the principles of persuasion and how they can be applied to influence others. Understanding these psychological triggers can help small business owners improve their marketing, sales, and customer relations.

  18. "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz: Michalowicz introduces a unique approach to managing finances in small businesses. The book advocates for allocating profit first, transforming how entrepreneurs handle their cash flow, and ensuring long-term profitability.

  19. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck: Dweck explores the power of mindset and how it impacts our achievements. By adopting a growth mindset, small business owners can overcome challenges, embrace learning opportunities, and achieve personal and professional growth. One of our podcast guests highly recommended this book.

  20. "Do Not: Start or Run a Business My Way" by yours truly, me: This book is a memoir of things I did wrong and things I learned to do right. It offers a fresh perspective on small business ownership, challenging traditional norms and encouraging innovation, business coaching, and exponential growth.

Learn To Earn!

Reading is an invaluable tool for small business owners seeking growth, inspiration, and fresh perspectives. The top 20 business books listed above cover a wide range of topics, from leadership and marketing to personal development and strategy. Additionally, "Do Not: Start or Run a Business My Way" offers unique insights for entrepreneurs, complementing the other books in this list. Small business owners can enhance their skills, make informed decisions, and unlock new opportunities for business success and growth by investing time in reading and continuous learning.

BONUS: Every entrepreneur who has hit the million dollar mark or more in annual revenue on our podcast Small Business Pivots has mentioned they contribute much of their success to learning and investing in a small business coach or mentor.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Finding The Right Business Coach For Your Small Business Success: Expert Tips And Outcomes To Expect

As a small business owner, it's natural to seek guidance and support to enhance the growth and success of your venture. In this article, we will discuss the essential steps you can take to find the right small business coach who can positively impact your business's success.

As a small business owner, it's natural to seek guidance and support to enhance the growth and success of your venture. However, the business coaching industry is saturated with individuals claiming to be experts without the necessary qualifications or experience. This abundance of unqualified small business coaches has left some entrepreneurs disillusioned and skeptical about the effectiveness of business coaching as a whole. 

In this article, we will discuss the essential steps you can take to find the right small business coach who can positively impact your business's success.

1 - Define Your Goals and Needs:

Before embarking on the search for a small business coach, clearly understanding your goals and needs is crucial. Reflect on the specific areas in which you require guidance and support. Are you struggling with marketing and sales? Do you need help with strategic planning or leadership development? Identifying your needs will help you find a coach with expertise in the areas that align with your small business challenges.

2 - Look for Relevant Experience:

One of the primary criteria for selecting a small business coach is their relevant experience. A coach with hands-on experience as a successful entrepreneur or business leader can provide invaluable insights and practical advice. Look for small business coaches with a track record of building and scaling small businesses. They will have firsthand knowledge of your challenges and can guide you through potential obstacles. Ask questions!

A few example questions are:

Have you owned a business other than your consulting practice?

What product or service did they offer?

How many have you owned?

Were they successful?

How much annual revenue did they generate?

How many employees did you lead in your biggest company?

Do you follow a specific business coaching framework?

3 - Seek Recommendations and Referrals:

Remember to consider the power of word-of-mouth recommendations when searching for a small business coach. Reach out to fellow entrepreneurs, business networks, or industry associations for referrals. Ask for specific feedback regarding the coach's expertise, approachability, and ability to adapt to unique situations. A referral from a trusted source significantly increases the likelihood of finding a reliable and competent business coach.

4 - Evaluate Coaching Style and Approach:

Every small business coach has a unique coaching style and approach. Schedule introductory calls or meetings with potential coaches to understand their methodologies. A good coach should fit your personality, communication style, and learning preferences well. Ask about their coaching process, whether it involves a structured framework or a more flexible approach. Find a coach who can adapt their strategies to your specific needs and can provide personalized guidance.

5 - Assess Communication and Rapport:

Effective communication and a strong rapport are essential for a successful coaching relationship. During your initial interactions with prospective coaches, pay attention to how they listen, respond, and engage with you. A skilled business coach should be an active listener, empathetic, and able to ask insightful questions. Their communication style should encourage open dialogue, trust, and collaboration.

6 - Request Testimonials and Case Studies:

To gain further insights into a coach's effectiveness, ask for testimonials or search their Google business page for testimonials from past clients or case studies that showcase their success stories. Genuine testimonials can provide evidence of a coach's ability to drive positive outcomes and deliver tangible results. Look for testimonials highlighting the coach's expertise in problem-solving, strategic planning, or small business growth, depending on your specific needs. Check out our testimonials here.

7 - Discuss Expectations and Boundaries:

Before committing to a business coaching relationship, have a candid discussion about expectations, boundaries, and the terms of engagement. Clearly define the frequency and duration of coaching sessions, the mode of communication, and the financial arrangements. Discuss the coach's availability and commitment to your success. This conversation will help establish a mutual understanding and ensure a productive coaching experience.

Finding the right small business coach can be a transformative experience for your small business. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of selecting a qualified and competent business coach who understands your unique challenges and can guide you toward success. 

Remember, a skilled business coach with relevant experience, strong communication skills, and a personalized approach can make all the difference in helping you overcome obstacles, maximize your potential, and achieve your small business goals.

What To Expect From A Small Business Coach

Small business owners can expect several valuable contributions to their entrepreneurial journey when engaging with a business coach. Here are some key expectations that small business owners should have from their business coaches:

1 - Expert Guidance and Industry Insights: 

A competent business coach brings in-depth knowledge and expertise to the table. They offer guidance on various aspects of running a small business, such as strategic planning, marketing, sales, finance, operations, and human resources. They can provide insights into industry trends, best practices, and proven strategies to help small business owners make informed decisions and navigate challenges effectively.

2 - Objective Perspective and Feedback: 

A business coach serves as an objective third party who can offer a fresh perspective on your business. They can provide:

  • Honest feedback and constructive criticism.

  • Highlighting blind spots.

  • Identifying areas for improvement.

  • Challenging your assumptions.

Their objective viewpoint helps you see your small business from a different angle, enabling you to make necessary adjustments and enhance your decision-making process.

3 - Accountability and Goal Setting: 

A business coach helps small business owners set clear goals and holds them accountable for achieving those goals. They assist in defining measurable objectives, breaking them down into actionable steps, and creating a roadmap to success. A coach can monitor your progress, provide support, and help you stay on track, ensuring that you follow through with your plans and make consistent strides toward your desired outcomes.

4 - Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Support: 

Running a small business involves facing numerous challenges and making critical decisions along the way. A business coach acts as a trusted advisor, helping you navigate complex situations and solve problems effectively. They can provide frameworks, tools, and methodologies to analyze and address challenges, enabling you to make informed decisions that align with your business objectives.

5 - Personal and Professional Development: 

Beyond the business aspect, a business coach can support your personal and professional growth as a small business owner. They can help you identify and leverage your strengths, enhance your leadership skills, and build self-confidence. They may provide guidance on time management, work-life balance, and stress management, ensuring that you are equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive as an entrepreneur.

6 - Tailored Strategies and Action Plans: 

A skilled business coach recognizes that every small business is unique. They understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work. Therefore, they develop tailored strategies and action plans that suit your specific business needs, goals, and challenges. A coach should be flexible and adaptable, adjusting their methodologies to accommodate your individual circumstances and ensuring that the guidance provided aligns with your business's vision and values.

7 - Support in Overcoming Obstacles: 

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, and overcoming obstacles can sometimes feel daunting. A small business coach acts as a supportive partner, helping you navigate through tough times, offering encouragement, and providing guidance when faced with setbacks. They can assist in developing resilience, offering solutions, and motivating you to persevere during challenging phases of your business.

It's important to note that while a business coach can provide valuable guidance and support, the ultimate responsibility for implementing strategies and achieving small business success rests with the small business owner. The coaching relationship should be built on mutual trust, open communication, and a commitment to collaboration to ensure the best possible outcomes for the business.

If you are ready to talk to one of the top-rated small business coaches centrally located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States, CLICK HERE to chat or CLICK HERE to call us at 405-919-9990 today!

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Unleash Your Business's Potential: How a Small Business Coach Can Help You Achieve Success

Small business owners face numerous challenges that often delay their growth and success. One of the significant challenges is disorganization and chaos within the business operations. Small business owners who struggle with managing their businesses, lack clarity in their vision, and have unclear direction, can benefit from the guidance of a business coach. 

This blog post will explore how a business coach can help…

Small business owners face numerous challenges that often delay their growth and success. One of the significant challenges is disorganization and chaos within the business operations. Small business owners who struggle with managing their businesses, lack clarity in their vision, and have unclear direction, can benefit from the guidance of a business coach. 

This blog post will explore how a business coach can help a disorganized and chaotic small business become profitable and efficient.

1. Identifying the Root Cause of Disorganization

The first step towards solving a problem is identifying the root cause. For example, a business coach can help the small business owner identify the root cause of disorganization and chaos within the business operations. Next, they will evaluate the business processes, systems, and procedures and identify areas for improvement. 

Once the root cause is identified, the business coach can work with the small business owner to develop a strategy to address the underlying issues.

2. Develop a Clear Vision and Strategy

A business coach can help a small business owner develop a clear vision and strategy for their business. This is important because it is difficult to make progress without clear direction. Every business must have a north star and guiding light to follow.

The business coach will work with the small business owner to identify their long-term goals and create a plan to achieve them. Then, they will help the small business owner to break down the goals into smaller, achievable tasks and develop a timeline for completing them.

3. Implementing Effective Business Systems

A business coach can help a small business owner implement effective business systems and processes, also known as SOPs. Systems and processes are essential for creating efficiency and consistency in business operations. 

The business coach will work with the small business owner to identify areas where systems are needed and develop a plan for implementing them. They will also provide training to ensure that everyone in the organization understands how the systems work and how to use them effectively.

4. Accountability and Motivation

A business coach can provide accountability and motivation to a small business owner. Accountability is important because it ensures that the small business owner stays on track with their goals and commitments.

The business coach will hold the small business owner accountable for completing the tasks they have committed to and provide motivation to keep them focused and motivated. This can be especially beneficial for small business owners who struggle with staying focused and motivated.

5. Developing Leadership Skills

A business coach can help a small business owner develop leadership skills. Leadership skills are essential for managing employees and creating a positive work environment. 

The business coach will work with the small business owner to develop leadership skills, including communication, delegation, and conflict resolution. This will enable the small business owner to create a positive work environment, increase employee satisfaction, and ultimately, improve business performance.

Choosing the Right Business Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring the Perfect Fit for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, hiring a business coach can be a significant investment in your professional growth and the success of your business. A business coach can provide valuable insights, guidance, and support to help you overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and unlock your full potential as an entrepreneur. However, with so many available options, choosing the right business coach who aligns with your needs, goals, and values is essential. 

Below is a step-by-step guide to help you hire the perfect business coach for your small business.

Define Your Goals and Expectations for Hiring a Business Coach

Before hiring a business coach, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your goals and expectations. What specific areas of your business do you need help with? For example, do you want to improve your leadership skills, enhance your marketing strategies, or streamline your operations? Understanding your goals and expectations will help you identify the right business coach with expertise and experience. Be specific about what you want to achieve and what you expect from the business coaching relationship, as this will serve as a foundation for your search.

Do Your Research for Potential Business Coaches

Once you clearly understand your goals and expectations, it's time to conduct thorough research to identify potential business coaches. Start by requesting referrals from your professional network, colleagues, or fellow entrepreneurs. Next, look for business coaches with experience working with small businesses in your industry or niche. Utilize online resources such as business directories, industry associations, and social media platforms to find potential candidates. Review their websites, testimonials, and online presence to understand their expertise and approach.

Assess Their Business Ownership Experience and Expertise

When evaluating potential business coaches, assessing their experience and expertise is crucial. Look for business coaches who have owned businesses and have a proven track record of working with small businesses and achieving successful results. Consider their expertise in specific areas that align with your goals and expectations. For example, if you need help with marketing, look for a business coach with a background in marketing or a successful track record of helping businesses improve their marketing strategies. Assessing their experience and expertise will give you confidence in their ability to provide the guidance and support you need.

Check Their Coaching Style and Approach

Every business coach has their own coaching style and approach. Finding a coach whose style and technique resonate with you and your learning preferences is essential. For example, some business coaches may focus on a directive approach, providing specific advice and solutions, while others may use a more facilitative approach, guiding you to find your own answers through questioning and reflection. Consider your preferred learning and communication styles, and look for a business coach who can adapt their coaching approach to meet your needs. A good fit in coaching style and approach will ensure a more effective coaching relationship.

Consider Fit and Chemistry 

Last but not least, consider the fit and chemistry between you and the potential business coach. The coaching relationship requires trust, open communication, and a positive rapport. Consider if you feel comfortable sharing confidential information.

In conclusion:

In conclusion, a business coach can be a valuable asset to a small business owner struggling with disorganization and chaos within their business operations. 

Are you ready to make changes in your small business?

Contact us today at 405-919-9990 or schedule a free consultation by clicking here!

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Why Understanding Your Core Values Is A Game-Changer In Business And Life

Your values are emotional driving blocks that lead you to build a better life. Understanding your core values can be a game-changer for your success in business and life. Understanding your core values assist you in…

Have you ever been hesitant to make a decision because something doesn't feel right?

Have you ever made a decision and then immediately regretted it because you feel uncomfortable? 

Have you ever made a decision that you feel good about, but your partner or friend feels uneasy about it? 

The reason for those uneasy feelings? It's typically your gut feeling telling you something does not align with your guiding principles.

Your guiding principles are also why you might feel good about a situation, and those around you may not feel the same. Your guiding principles do not align.

So what are your guiding principles? Guiding principles are your core values.

Core values are defined as: a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. 

(Value definition provided by Google. Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages.)

Your values are emotional driving blocks that lead you to build a better life. Understanding your core values can be a game-changer for your success in business and life. 

Here are a few areas in business and life that you can benefit from by understanding your top three core values. Following is a values assessment where you can quickly discover your top three core values.


With the hustle and bustle in business and life, it is easy to lose sight of your initial objectives.

Often we forget to spend time on the things that matter most. 

Understanding your core values assist you in defining what is important to you and what areas of business and life you need to be focused on. 

We succeed when we keep a clear eye upon the prize.

For example, if one of your core values is personal freedom: your overall goal should be to know when to say yes or when to say no to opportunities that may cut into your schedule of commitments that affect your objectives.

When you understand your core values, you will pause and ask yourself if this will be the best use of your time to contribute to your success.


When you are the boss of your time, you can take the day off and go play golf whenever you want! You can revel in your success and take a break anytime.

But, is this the best use of your time?

By understanding your core values, you are better equipped to hold yourself accountable for what matters most. You will find that accountability is an excellent motivator for getting things done, make better decisions, and stay true to your objectives

It also helps you judge your actions clearly and honestly. Regular, honest self-assessment can propel you towards more productivity in achieving the goals you want to achieve. 


If things of value to you do not match in a relationship or with a business partner, then the best thing to do is move on, or it will most likely fail down the road if there is not a compromise. 

Some things can be worked out and agreed upon, and other things cannot. 

For example, if you are in a personal relationship and are adamant about wanting children and your other half does not at all, then it is best to break it off and continue seeking a partner that does. 

If you were to go ahead and take the plunge with these values misaligned, then your relationship will more than likely come to an end at some point. 

People can change in some areas, but individual values don't. It's just in our DNA.

In business, an example is that you are in a business partnership. You are committed to working "on" the business and not "in" the business, and your partner feels otherwise. It is best not to enter into the business partnership or find a way to end your current partnership amicably. 

If values are not aligned in relationships, there will always be confrontations like who wants this or that, or who works more or less here and there. This will result in communication breakdowns, eventually causing uncomfortable tension in the future.


After years of study, Michael D Morrison Enterprises has created a "Values Assessment" exercise. This exercise will assist you in discovering your core values in a matter of minutes, allowing you to make quicker decisions that drive your success in business and life.

Get your FREE "Values Assessment" by emailing and putting "Values Assessment" in the subject line.

Are you ready to achieve success quicker by discovering your core values? Book a discovery call with Michael Morrison today.

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