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Personal Development Michael Morrison Personal Development Michael Morrison

Unlock the Secret to Success: 15 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

Small business owners wear multiple hats and often juggle various daily tasks. Running a business can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Learn the top 15 time management tips that multi-millionaire small business owners implement day in and day out…

Small business owners wear multiple hats and often juggle various daily tasks. Running a business can be overwhelming and time-consuming, from managing employees to tracking finances. In today's competitive business landscape, time management and productivity have become critical factors for the success of any business. This blog post will discuss practical tips to help small business owners manage their time effectively and increase productivity.

For best results, implement one tip per week, and within a few months, you will be as productive as a successful multi-million dollar business owner.

1. Prioritize Your Tasks 

As a small business owner, it's essential to prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Start your day by listing all the tasks you need to complete and then categorize them as 'high priority', 'medium priority', and 'low priority.' 

Focus on completing the high-priority tasks first, as they have the most significant impact on your business. This approach ensures that you are using your time efficiently and productively.

2. Use A Planner

A planner or calendar can help you stay organized and manage your time effectively. Create a schedule and allocate time for each task on your to-do list. 

Include buffer time between tasks to handle unexpected events or interruptions. 

A planner also helps you plan and prepare for upcoming deadlines and meetings.

3. Eliminate Distractions 

Distractions can significantly impact productivity and prevent you from completing tasks on time. For example, social media notifications, emails, and phone calls are common distractions that can waste time. 

To avoid distractions, turn off notifications and allocate specific times to check your emails and social media accounts. You can also use productivity tools to block websites that are not work-related.

4. Outsource non-core tasks 

As a small business owner, you may handle tasks not part of your core business operations, such as accounting or social media management.

Outsourcing these tasks to a professional can help you save time and focus on growing your business. Consider hiring a virtual assistant or outsourcing tasks to a freelancer to free up your time.

5. Set Realistic Goals 

Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated and on track. 

Ensure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Then, break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps and celebrate each milestone you achieve. 

This approach helps you stay focused and motivated, leading to increased productivity.

6. Take Breaks 

Regular breaks throughout the day help you stay focused and avoid burnout. However, working long hours without breaks can decrease productivity and increase stress levels. Instead, take short breaks to stretch, walk around, or have a snack. 

You can also try the Pomodoro technique, where you work for 25 minutes and take a five-minute break.

7. Seek Business Coaching 

Business coaching can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and create an action plan to increase productivity.

In addition, a business coach can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your business goals.


By prioritizing tasks, using a planner, eliminating distractions, outsourcing non-core tasks, setting realistic goals, taking breaks, and seeking business coaching, you can increase productivity and achieve your business objectives. 

Remember, small changes in your daily routine can significantly improve your overall productivity and business success.

Let's keep going!

8. Use Productivity Tools 

There are many productivity tools available that can help small business owners streamline their work processes and increase their efficiency. 

For example, project management tools like Trello and Asana can help you track and manage tasks, while time-tracking apps like RescueTime and Toggl can help you monitor how you're spending your time. 

You can also use automation tools like Zapier or IFTTT to automate repetitive tasks and save time.

9. Delegate Tasks 

Delegating tasks to your employees can help you free up your time and focus on the most critical aspects of your business. Identify the tasks that your team members can do and delegate them accordingly. 

Delegation helps you save time, empowers your employees, and fosters a culture of trust and collaboration within your organization.

10. Invest In Training And Development 

Investing in training and development for yourself and your employees can help you stay up-to-date with industry trends, acquire new skills, and improve productivity. 

Attend workshops and conferences, enroll in online courses, or offer training programs for your team members. 

This investment can lead to improved job satisfaction, higher employee retention rates, and increased productivity and profitability for your business.

11. Practice Self-Care 

Taking care of yourself is critical to maintaining your productivity and well-being. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and take breaks to recharge. 

Consider practicing mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and improve your focus. Remember, caring for yourself is not selfish; you must be your best self for your business and loved ones.

12. Review And Optimize Your Processes 

Regularly reviewing and optimizing your small business systems and processes can help you identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

Analyze your workflows, track your results, and ask for feedback from your team members and customers. 

Use this information to refine your processes and make them more efficient and effective. This continuous improvement approach can help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success.

13. Stay Organized 

Staying organized can significantly impact your productivity and reduce stress levels. Keep your workspace clean and clutter-free, and use tools like file cabinets, shelves, and storage containers to organize your documents and materials. 

Use digital tools like cloud storage and note-taking apps to organize your digital files and notes.

14. Learn To Say 'No' 

As a small business owner, you may find yourself saying 'yes' to every opportunity that comes your way. 

While it's essential to be open-minded and seize opportunities, learning to say 'no' when necessary is crucial. 

Saying 'no' to non-essential tasks or projects can help you focus on the most critical aspects of your business and avoid over-committing.

15. Celebrate Your Successes 

Finally, remember to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. 

Celebrating your achievements can help you stay motivated and cheerful and create a culture of gratitude and appreciation within your organization. 

Recognize your team members' contributions and celebrate your milestones with them. This approach can help you build a more engaged and motivated team and achieve tremendous success in the long run.

In conclusion:

In conclusion, time management and productivity are critical factors for small business owners' success. By using productivity tools, delegating tasks, investing in training and development, practicing self-care, reviewing and optimizing your processes, staying organized, learning to say 'no,' and celebrating your successes, you can increase your productivity, achieve your business goals, and lead a fulfilling and successful life as a small business owner. Remember, productivity is not just about doing more; it's about doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time.


Contact us today at 405-919-9990 or schedule a free consultation by clicking here!

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Business Development, Personal Development Michael Morrison Business Development, Personal Development Michael Morrison

Why Understanding Your Core Values Is A Game-Changer In Business And Life

Your values are emotional driving blocks that lead you to build a better life. Understanding your core values can be a game-changer for your success in business and life. Understanding your core values assist you in…

Have you ever been hesitant to make a decision because something doesn't feel right?

Have you ever made a decision and then immediately regretted it because you feel uncomfortable? 

Have you ever made a decision that you feel good about, but your partner or friend feels uneasy about it? 

The reason for those uneasy feelings? It's typically your gut feeling telling you something does not align with your guiding principles.

Your guiding principles are also why you might feel good about a situation, and those around you may not feel the same. Your guiding principles do not align.

So what are your guiding principles? Guiding principles are your core values.

Core values are defined as: a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. 

(Value definition provided by Google. Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages.)

Your values are emotional driving blocks that lead you to build a better life. Understanding your core values can be a game-changer for your success in business and life. 

Here are a few areas in business and life that you can benefit from by understanding your top three core values. Following is a values assessment where you can quickly discover your top three core values.


With the hustle and bustle in business and life, it is easy to lose sight of your initial objectives.

Often we forget to spend time on the things that matter most. 

Understanding your core values assist you in defining what is important to you and what areas of business and life you need to be focused on. 

We succeed when we keep a clear eye upon the prize.

For example, if one of your core values is personal freedom: your overall goal should be to know when to say yes or when to say no to opportunities that may cut into your schedule of commitments that affect your objectives.

When you understand your core values, you will pause and ask yourself if this will be the best use of your time to contribute to your success.


When you are the boss of your time, you can take the day off and go play golf whenever you want! You can revel in your success and take a break anytime.

But, is this the best use of your time?

By understanding your core values, you are better equipped to hold yourself accountable for what matters most. You will find that accountability is an excellent motivator for getting things done, make better decisions, and stay true to your objectives

It also helps you judge your actions clearly and honestly. Regular, honest self-assessment can propel you towards more productivity in achieving the goals you want to achieve. 


If things of value to you do not match in a relationship or with a business partner, then the best thing to do is move on, or it will most likely fail down the road if there is not a compromise. 

Some things can be worked out and agreed upon, and other things cannot. 

For example, if you are in a personal relationship and are adamant about wanting children and your other half does not at all, then it is best to break it off and continue seeking a partner that does. 

If you were to go ahead and take the plunge with these values misaligned, then your relationship will more than likely come to an end at some point. 

People can change in some areas, but individual values don't. It's just in our DNA.

In business, an example is that you are in a business partnership. You are committed to working "on" the business and not "in" the business, and your partner feels otherwise. It is best not to enter into the business partnership or find a way to end your current partnership amicably. 

If values are not aligned in relationships, there will always be confrontations like who wants this or that, or who works more or less here and there. This will result in communication breakdowns, eventually causing uncomfortable tension in the future.


After years of study, Michael D Morrison Enterprises has created a "Values Assessment" exercise. This exercise will assist you in discovering your core values in a matter of minutes, allowing you to make quicker decisions that drive your success in business and life.

Get your FREE "Values Assessment" by emailing and putting "Values Assessment" in the subject line.

Are you ready to achieve success quicker by discovering your core values? Book a discovery call with Michael Morrison today.

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Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison

15 Time Management Strategies and Tips You Need to Know

Managing your time wisely is a must, but let's be honest—it's not a very easy thing to do.

We all wish there were more hours in the day, but that's not going to happen anytime soon…at least not for a few billion years. Many of us feel like we don't have enough time, but the good news is there's…

Managing your time wisely is a must, but let's be honest—it's not a very easy thing to do. 

We all wish there were more hours in the day, but that's not going to happen anytime soon…at least not for a few billion years. Many of us feel like we don't have enough time, but the good news is there's plenty we can do about it. 

Want to know how to manage time? Check out these great time management strategies. 

1. Create a List of Daily Tasks

First, begin each day by jotting down a list of tasks you wish to complete. 

If you want to learn how to manage time better, list-making is right up there at the top. Formulate a picture of what you want to accomplish before the end of the day, and then break that down into realistic milestones. 

Check off each item as you go, and watch the completed tasks pile up. 

2. Learn to Prioritize

Of course, writing a task-list in random order isn't going to cut it. 

This is where prioritization comes in. Emphasize the more important tasks first, and relegate the less important to the back of the list. 

Priority tasks are those that are more difficult to complete or come with a time limit. If necessary, disassemble these big tasks into smaller, incremental steps that are easier to complete. 

3. Set Time Limits

As time management strategies go, this is big. 

Leaving yourself an open-ended time period to complete a task is just asking for procrastination and time-wasting. Don't acquire this bad habit

Set firm but realistic goals for each of your tasks. By now, you should know about how long it might take you to perform a specific task. Try to finish your work within the designated timeframe, and keep aiming for faster finish times. 

4. Avoid Distractions

A major part of learning how to be better at time management is avoiding distractions. 

Sometimes, distractions are unavoidable. But let's be honest—you could do a better job eliminating some very avoidable ones. 

So use the "do not disturb" function on your phone or computer, don't go down the rabbit hole of reading junk articles on the internet, and turn off the TV. Distractions are your enemy—vanquish them! 

5. Avoid Multitasking

This is related to the above. Time management at work is difficult, and sometimes it's tempting to try to do several things at once. 

Sometimes, you don't have much of a choice. But try to pare down the multitasking as much as possible. Focus on one thing, do it well, and follow it through to completion. Then move to the next thing. 

Trying to do everything at once will only leave you with nothing accomplished. 

6. Time Management Apps Are Your Friend

This age of computers and digital devices comes with innumerable distractions. 

But there are also plenty of newfangled applications to help you focus and manage your time. Organizational apps like Trello and Toggl, and time managers like RescueTime and Remember The Milk help you organize your tasks and boost your productivity

7. Set Aside Time for Emails

Look, we all get caught up scrolling through the inbox, checking and responding to emails. Or we instantly respond to emails as they roll in. 

But this is another distraction, and if you can help it, set aside a chunk of time during the day for answering emails. Turning off email notifications would also help out. 

Either way, this is about prioritization (see #2). Designate certain times to check and respond to emails (in the morning, at lunchtime, and late afternoon), and ignore them the rest of the time (if you can). 

8. Perform Weekly Time Audits

Auditing your performance every week will help you track your progress and better understand your time management. 

Keep a record each day of how much time it takes you to complete your tasks. Then, at the end of the week, you can see how you've done. Look for those areas where you performed better than you thought, and find where you need some more work. 

9. Change up Your Schedule

Sometimes you need to shake things up a bit. 

If you find that you're still having trouble organizing your time, despite using various management tricks, you might consider a schedule change. Maybe you need to wake up earlier or focus on certain tasks in the morning and others in the afternoon. 

Change your routine every once in a while, and see if that helps out. After all, everyone gets into a rut sometimes. 

10. Always Have Backup Tasks

It's good to have a little ancillary list of low-priority, but still important tasks always on hand. 

The reason is that sometimes unforeseen circumstances insert a hard break in your main task routine. A computer program stalls, the network is down, or the internet has a meltdown. Could be you're waiting on someone else in order to complete your task, and they're not cooperating with your schedule. 

Whatever it is, it's always a good idea to have a few backup tasks that need to be done and that can fill up your wait-time. 

11. Organize Your Space

Time management strategies are always helped by efficient space management strategies. 

If your workspace is a sloppy mess, get in there and get organized. Put your desk in order, and remove all that clutter and those piles of papers that have been accumulating for at least a decade. 

The same goes for your digital space. Take the time to organize all the files and apps on your computer, and put your inbox in order by using all those handy folders and other organizational features. 

12. Use the Calendar!

A calendar is your friend. And it's also a great way to organize your tasks and manage your time. 

If you prefer the old, physical kind of calendar, then go nuts. Schedule tasks with differently colored pens and markers, fill it with Post-It notes, and do whatever else you need to organize your time. 

If you'd rather use the digital kind, avail yourself of all the many features. Set up reminders, devise schedules, and use alerts to keep you focused and on track. 

13. Don't Try to Be a Perfectionist

Obsessive perfectionism is the nemesis of good time management. 

If you suspect you're a perfectionist, figure out a way to moderate this behavior. If you're always trying to follow your tasks through to an unrealistic standard of perfection, you'll be spending hours on it. 

Oftentimes, what's needed is for the work to be completed, not completed to the point of being a masterwork. Sometimes, good is good enough. Stop trying to be perfect. 

14. Learn to Delegate

It can be a little unnerving to entrust one of your tasks to someone else. But if it's possible to delegate some work to a teammate, then by all means do it. 

If you offload some of your tasks to others, this will lessen your workload and allow you to concentrate on the more important tasks of the day. Start with the less important tasks, and see how the teammate does. If they do a good job, you can begin to share more important tasks. 

15. Nope Out When You Have To

There comes a time when you have to put your foot down and say "no" like you mean it. 

If you're always taking on extra work from co-workers, or fielding their requests, you won't have time to complete your work. And what response will you have when asked why you didn't finish your tasks? 

Create some boundaries, and maintain them. When your work is completed, then you can assist others. You can only do so much, and there are only so many hours in the day. 

Bonus Time Management Strategies

So those are fifteen time management ideas to help you get the job done. 

If you focus on them, you'll start to see results in managing your time. But let's look at a few bonus tips to further help you get organized: 

Bonus Tip #1: Do the Most Important Tasks in the Morning

That's right. Get the most serious chores done right away, when you've got the energy and drive to tackle them. Leave the lesser stuff for the afternoon. 

Bonus Tip #2: Don't Wait on Inspiration

Sometimes you're just not feeling it. You haven't got the divine "spark" instilled in your brain by the Nine Muses. Never mind—dive into the work and the motivation and inspiration will follow. 

Bonus Tip #3: Do Less

Understand that you can't always get everything done in a single day. Look at your list of tasks, and decide which ones are really important. Focus on fewer tasks, and do them well. 

Use These Time Management Tips to Meet Your Goals

We hope these time management strategies will help you better organize your time and achieve your daily goals. Remember, all it takes is determination and a little chutzpah. 

Are you ready to explore the many ways you can succeed in life? Go ahead and book a discovery call with Michael Morrison.  

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Personal Development Michael Morrison Personal Development Michael Morrison

How To Get Out Of A Funk

Remember how normal things were before the year 2020? Yeah, I don't either.

These days, it seems that just when things begin to stabilize, another unforeseen event creates a new ocean of uncharted waters. Here are a few strategies that high achievers are currently implementing to get out of a funk.

Remember how normal things were before the year 2020? Yeah, I don't either.

Like many this year, I have found myself in a bit of a funk from time to time.

These days, it seems that just when things begin to stabilize, another unforeseen event creates a new ocean of uncharted waters. 

The unforeseen creates turbulence that is disrupting our confidence in our plans like never before.

So, it is valid and understandable why so many of us get in a funk from time to time as worldly ways continue to throw us curveballs. Here are a few simple tricks to turn that frown upside down in just a matter of minutes.

If your circumstance is extreme, waste no time reaching out to resources like or The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Here are a few tips we've found to be helpful to get out of a funk. Consider these if you are looking for inspiration to move you forward from a short season of funk.

Schedule It

With unprecedented times, comes uncertainty. 

Do you see anything exciting on your calendar in the near future? For most, the answer is no. Most destination trips, concerts, special events, etc. have been canceled or postponed indefinitely.

Before the CoronaVirus, our calendars looked like pieces of art with various colors highlighting numerous activities as well as the anticipated Paid Time Off for our destiny vacation.

Today, many social calendars look like a blank white canvas eager for a special event to take up space.

Often, joy and meaning is the hope we have for the future.

So, if we do not see anything exciting to look forward to in our future, we unknowingly will fall into a funk.

Schedule something exciting in your social calendar every couple of weeks to look forward to even if it is small.

Examples could be a hiking trip on Saturday with the kids, a drive-in movie, organizing digital pictures from all of your devices and installing on a digital frame for the family to enjoy, take a virtual trip with a friend, schedule a recurring time to learn a musical instrument, plan a mountain biking trip, schedule an online cooking course, schedule time to write a book, learn a new dance style, schedule an unplanned road trip, take time to train and spend time with your dog, and so much more. 

Get creative and schedule small things that will get you excited to look forward to soon and often!


Online platforms are addicting! Studies have shown that social media leads people into depression and a funk.

Addiction to digital connections is also causing many to drift from healthy human interactions into an unhealthy funk.

We do not need statistics to tell us that we need to disconnect. But, we do need reminders about why it is important to disconnect.

Here are just a couple of reminders why it is essential to unplug for extended periods:

Today, social media feeds leave many people with thoughts of envy or jealousy from others posting what appears to be a more comfortable life. Leading us into a funk that our life is not exciting or good enough. In reality, most users are posting nothing more than kodak moments, and their life is typically more chaotic than ours.

Unplug from all news for a minimum of 1 month, and you will improve your health and feel better. If you have not figured it out by now, the news is not even close to what is happening in the real world. Consistently checking in on the news is detrimental to your mental and physical health

Digital distraction, if unrestricted, can make us numb. Numerous studies show that Internet addiction can be as addictive and harmful as cocaine, alcohol, and other dangerous substances. 

Just unplugging from these two alone will quickly get you out of a funk.


A common reason people get in a funk is boredom. When our surroundings do not change often, we get stuck in a rut leaving us in a funk.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people to become hostages within their own homes for extended periods leaving very little room for spontaneity.

Others are in a funk because they are stuck in a relationship, a lousy job, or caring for an elderly loved one day-to-day, and their life has become mundane.

Structure in our life is good for personal development, but too much of the same thing every day can leave us unmotivated and uninspired. Change your routine. Many people do not like change, but change is inevitable to get out of a funk. 

Examples of spontaneity could be taking a different route to work, mow on Thursday evening rather than the usual Saturday morning, take an unplanned road trip, discover new music to listen to in the car, go for a walk, read a book by the lake, go on a nature walk at lunch instead of with co-workers, call a loved one you don't talk to often, try a different food you've never tried before, try something you are scared of, or try a new sporting event.

Get creative! Spontaneity activities vary from person to person. By doing something different today, tomorrow, and the following day's you will quickly find yourself inspired to add more spice to your life, and you'll be out of your funk in no time.

How to Get Out of a Funk

We all get in a rut from time to time, as it is a normal part of life. If you are in a funk, try one of the activities listed to change things up. Changing things up is often the key enough to getting us out of a funk.

Are you ready to explore other self-development strategies to succeed in business and life? Book a discovery call with Michael Morrison today.

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Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison

How To Get More Done: 3 Daily Habits To Be More Productive

Stop reading personal development books!

Most of us know what to do; we do not do them because it is too…

Stop reading personal development books! 

Most of us know what to do; we do not do them because it is too much effort to take action on the tasks we have learned. Or, what we learned does not seem applicable in our situation. We then pick up another bestseller, hoping there is a more straightforward solution.

Yes, procrastination is also to blame. Most people procrastinate because they are afraid of the possible outcome, failure. Others procrastinate because they don't like change; the task is too hard, confused about how to tackle it, overwhelmed, lacking clarity, or are distracted easily.

If you can identify with any of these, I've got three simple habits I use every day to get me closer to my goals, move the needle, and get more done.

Increase productivity and become highly efficient with these daily habits.

Use A Notepad

You are more likely to get things done when you write things down—personal and business.

Carry your notepad everywhere; in the car, by your nightstand, on your desk, in a meeting. Everywhere!

Ever been driving in the car and remember you need to pick up dry cleaning by five? Write it down when you are stopped. Ever been in a meeting and someone mentions something that reminds you of something you need to do when you get back to the office or home? Write it down. Ever woke up in the middle of the night with a life-changing idea? Write it down.

Ever been daydreaming by the pool, and remember you need to plan that particular party for next week or next month? Write it down.

Our brains are distracted every second, with songs, advertising, social media, conversations. It isn't easy to remember everything we need to do.

Your notepad will be your brain dump so that you can continue to focus on the task at hand but not forget what you need to do later. Use the notepad for business and personal responsibilities. Carry it with you everywhere; you can continuously prioritize what is most important to tackle before days end.

Review your notepad frequently throughout the day, crossing off completed tasks and prioritizing the uncompleted tasks so that you are more productive and get more things done.

Time Block

It takes an average of 20 minutes to focus on the tasks at hand to be productive. Each time a distraction occurs, it takes 20 minutes to re-engage with your productivity. 

The human brain can focus on two-hour durations. 

Block out 60-minute intervals each day with no distractions. Start with one hour, and once you see the benefit of getting more done, add another hour.

Turn off the cell phone, silent email alerts, close the door, turn off social media, and any other possible distraction to be more productive.

Focus On Systems, Not The Goals

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." - Jim Rhone

Goals are essential for success. But, they should not be the primary focus.

Focus on the day to day tasks that must be executed for the goal.

Focusing on the goal is a distraction. Focusing on the daily disciplines is what accomplishes the objectives.

If your goal is to lose 15 pounds, focus only on the 1,500 calories each day. You will get there with this system.

If your goal is to close $150,000 in sales, determine how many qualified leads need to be reached each day. You will get there with this system.

If your goal is to write a book, determine how many words need to be typed each day. You will get there with this system.

Conclusion: How To Be More Productive

Start with these simple daily habits.

  1. Use A notepad

  2. Time block

  3. Focus on systems, not the goals

Click here if you are ready to "Get Serious" and take your productivity to the next level!

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Business Development, Personal Development Michael Morrison Business Development, Personal Development Michael Morrison

5 Stress-Reducing Strategies For Business Leaders

Our lives can get very stressful in no time at all. It’s easy to forget what is essential, but following these five simple tips can…

No matter where we live, most people are bombarded with a tsunami of marketing. Marketers everywhere are screaming for our attention. Digital marketing researchers claim we see anywhere from four to ten thousand advertisements or brands every day.

It is not a secret that marketers do their best to create a call to action. A call to action tells you what to do or gives a specific task to take right now. Our lives can become very distracted when we are told what to do subconsciously through advertisements four thousand times or more per day, as well as the hustle and bustle demands of everyday life.

Our lives can get very stressful in no time at all, with advertisers trying to get a piece of our attention. Soon, we are chasing rabbits, squirrels, or those shiny new pennies that seem to appear out of nowhere, all day, every day. It’s easy to forget what is essential, but following these five simple tips can help reduce stress in our life.

Focus On One Thing At A Time

Research has proven that the brain is incapable of keeping laser-focused on two things at once. It is time that we accept the fact that the brain cannot multitask. Those who think they are efficient multi-taskers are just master switchers who can quickly switch from task to task. 

By focusing on one thing at a time, your memory will remember more in the future, you will get more tasks completed quicker, you will be able to work smarter, and you will make better decisions. The rewards for focusing on one thing at a time? Less stress and a quicker satisfaction of accomplishment.

Establish A Routine

Successful business leaders are adamant about having structured routines. Knowing in advance the tasks you need to accomplish is vital to your overall well-being. There is nothing more stressful than having a bucket list of things to do and not knowing where to start.

As well, a solid routine can help you in other areas such as: building good habits and breaking bad habits, motivation, momentum, efficiency, reducing procrastination, eliminating distractions, feeling of accomplishment, personal development, consistency, regularity, and most importantly, your success as a business leader.

Organize Your Life

Disorganization is one of the biggest stress triggers. It becomes frustrating and stressful very quickly when we cannot find something that we need right now. More times than not, the reason we need something right now is that we are behind schedule. The culprit for all of this? Disorganization

To stay motivated, we all need some control in our life. Being organized and knowing where things are can help with that sense of control. Organizing our work area and home are great places to start, but many fail to organize their life.

Setting routines, reducing our commitments by learning to say no, and learning to delegate are just a few areas that could reduce our stress level in life if well organized.

Write It Down

The brain is a mighty processor of information. Research has estimated that the whole brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second. The human brain has 10 billion neurons transmitting data to other cells. Your mind has 10 trillion synapses that this information travels over. And, our mind never sleeps. Your brain never stops processing, nor does it ever stop growing.  

With all this processing going on, it is impossible to hold too many thoughts in your head at once. Your brain works mysteriously. It’s a wonder how it remembers anything at all with as much as it is processing for survival.

Ever had one of those “spectacular” ideas that pop in your brain out of nowhere. One of those ideas that is so good you will never forget? And then not even ten minutes later, well, you forget. It happens, and now you know why.

The process of knowing something and trying to remember it can add levels of stress. You know that thought was right there, and you use so much energy, not just trying to remember what it was but also why or how you forgot it.

For this reason, enter the pencil and paper. Better yet, a journal. Ask Richard Branson one of the keys to his success, and he will proudly tell you, his journal. He carries it with him everywhere he goes. And he writes every thought, comment, or bright idea moment down. He has credited some of his best successes to looking back through his journal.

Writing things down is easy. Remembering to write it down is the hard part.

Learn To Say “NO”

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” – Warren Buffet

Is your schedule crammed full of appointments, family obligations, to-do lists, and honey-do chores? Then learn to say no like Warren Buffet and many other successful business leaders.

Their reasoning? They know that everyone has the same amount of time in the day. They also know that no one can add more time to their day just because they overcommitted. They fulfill their agenda first to accomplish their top priorities, and then they prioritize other requests.

Learning to say no can be challenging to say, but saying yes isn’t healthy. Saying yes can leave you overcommitted and put your body under too much stress. Leaving you run down and susceptible to illness.

Decide what matters most, and it will be easier to say no. Without having clarity with what is most important, you are more apt to say yes.


Stress is a significant health issue for many people. The symptoms of anxiety can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and numerous other areas of your body. To significantly reduce stress in your life, make a plan, follow a routine, organize your life, write things down, and learn to say no.

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Personal Development Michael Morrison Personal Development Michael Morrison

3 Easy Steps To Eliminating A Bad Habit!

Have you ever wondered how or why you developed a habit? Bad habits typically happen when our subconscious mind is relieved from…

Have you ever wondered how or why you developed a habit? And how or why a practice became good or bad? Or how and why is it so difficult to break bad habits and so challenging to instill good habits?

Most of the time, bad habits are simply an outlet from stress or boredom. Nail biting, snacking, procrastinating, smoking, drinking, any of this hit home? Bad habits typically happen when our subconscious mind is relieved from a stressful situation or boredom and taken to a place of imaginary peace.

Good habits often take time and a massive amount of focus. This focus puts pressure on our brains, which have roughly over 100 billion nerve cells, trying to process and form over a trillion connections in response to the world. Understanding the trigger points is essential to understanding how to break bad habits.  

In 3 easy steps, let’s begin eliminating your bad habits one at a time.

Recognize That You Have A Bad Habit

First and foremost, we should recognize why habits, good or bad, even form. Habits form because our brain, although powerful, cannot handle the trillions of synapses that are processed. Synapses are transmitters processing every bit of information we receive through smell, hearing, touching, and tasting. So, our brain helps us out by conditioning or training our response to repeated information by forming repeated behaviors.

Not all habits are bad. Patterns are only harmful when they create a negative response from our behavior. Negative patterns take on many forms, such as poor health, consistent tardiness, broken relationships, and an escalated form of depression.

It would be best if you first recognized the difference between your habits, as to whether they are good or bad, then making a list of your top 3 bad habits and prioritize them in numerical order. List the bad practice that is affecting you the most negatively, first.

The first step in eliminating or changing a bad habit is simply recognition. Recognizing that we have a terrible habit and that we want to remove it will help us diagnose the root of the problem.

Diagnose The Root Of The Problem

Numerous studies report that it takes anywhere from 18 to 300 plus days to rewire the brain to eliminate bad habits. The number of times or days to rewire the brain is only relevant to the individual with the bad habit. 

If you are trying to quit smoking and no one else in your household smokes, then the temptation to light up every day will be very minimal than to someone that lives with a smoker who is not ready to give it up. Eliminating bad habits is not based on some given days, but is based on each individual’s surroundings and circumstances.

There is typically a trigger or a pattern that leads to a bad habit. A responsive action began due to boredom or stress, and our subconscious mind recognized a negative/non-difficult response to repeat. Identifying the root of the problem, the trigger if you will, should be the primary focus and not the number of days it takes to kick a bad habit. 

The second step to eliminating a bad habit is to keep a log of every time you carry out the bad habit and write down what triggered your action. Recognize the trigger. 

Replace The Root Of The Problem With A Positive Behavior

Before successfully rewiring our brain to eliminate a bad habit, we must first recognize the bad habit and diagnose the root of the problem or the event that triggers our negative behavior. If the bad habit is distractions that keep you from a productive lifestyle, then turn off all electronic devices while focusing on completing a project. If the bad habit is mindlessly surfing the internet, leaving you with feelings of depression, always have a good book at your side focused on self-improvement. If the bad habit is overeating, buy food that is high in protein like boiled eggs or avocados so that it fills you up faster.

To eliminate bad habits, we must replace the bad habit with a positive behavior that will soon override the repeated pattern over some time.


Many experts have found that it can take as little as 18 days or as many as 200 to eliminate bad habits. There is no magic answer; it is based solely on the ease and convenience of what we are trying to accomplish.

Bad habits are easy to form; it takes our mind away to another place. Good habits are difficult to create because our minds must be sharp and focused on establishing a pattern. To eliminate harmful practices, you must recognize, diagnose, and replace repeated behaviors with a strategic plan.

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Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison Personal Development, Business Development Michael Morrison

Learn Before You Earn And 3 Reasons Why

Learning always comes before earning and the only scenario this does not apply is in the dictionary. You must also understand three reasons why learning before earning is…

It is nearly impossible to build an automobile engine if you do not know how to make an automobile engine. It is almost impossible to perform open-heart surgery if you do not know how to perform open-heart surgery. It is nearly impossible to be a multi-millionaire if you do not know how to be a multi-millionaire.

It is nearly impossible to be successful at anything unless you first learn what it is you want to be successful in doing. You must learn before you earn. Learning always comes before Earning, and the only scenario this does not apply is in the dictionary alphabetically. You must also understand three reasons why learning before earning is the key to your success.

 Others Will Define You If You Don’t

The Merriam-Webster definition of define is: to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of. What defines you? Better yet, who defines you?

It is human nature that we categorize, label, or define those around us by classifying people as rich, poor, smart, challenged, weak, strong, successful, struggling, big, little, blue-collar, white-collar and so on. We are all guilty of it from time to time because we are human. We define others, and the flip side to that is, others define us. Refusing to believe that your peers have defined you would be doing yourself a great disservice, trust me, you have been defined.

Unfortunately, many of us begin to believe our capabilities are limited to what others have defined or decided about us. If those around us do not think we are creative, then our internal creative process becomes limited because we do not believe we have it within ourselves. We believe what others have led us to think because we have no other affirmation, nothing telling us any differently.

Growing up, I experienced this type of definement first hand. Early on in my childhood, several teachers shared concerns with my parents because they noticed a timid, quiet behavior from me. They suggested to my parents that maybe some therapy would be good. The therapist I went to asked me to draw my family. I am the literal type, so I drew my family, which consisted of a father, mother, and two brothers. In front of my parents, the therapist asked if I had finished drawing, and I confidently said yes. He wondered why I was not in the picture, and I told him because you asked me to draw my family. I drew all of them. He did not say your family and you. 

The therapist defined my behavior as a lack of self-esteem. And from that point forward, guess what, I had a lack of self-confidence. It was not until I decided that only I could define myself, that things started to change for me. I researched and learned the things I wanted to be, and that made me more confident. I had to teach myself the things that I wanted to know in order to be successful. And you have to do the same. 

Truth be told, my quiet and timid behavior had nothing to do with self-esteem in the beginning. To this day, I absorb everything around me quietly. I study people and read people. This behavior, and asset, has served me well in all of my many ventures.  

It is vital that you learn and genuinely know how you want to be defined. If you do not, others will do it for you. And I can assure you they will limit your full potential. You have to define yourself. No one believes more in you than you do! Once you know and understand this, it can be one of your most excellent tools.

 Emotions Do Not Make Good Decisions

This past year I had a significant, life-changing career decision to make. I struggled daily, leaning from one choice to the other. It drove me insane for months because, within twenty-four hours of making a decision, my emotions would change so drastically. Hours of research on the internet could not even help me make a firm decision on this one.

A book by Andy Stanley, “Ask It,” put it all in perspective. His book claims there is one question that will revolutionize how you make decisions. His claim is accurate. As I finished reading the last page of his book, immediately, my life-changing career decision was made. 

The question you ask? Don’t read the next sentence if you don’t want a spoiler. The question he proposes is, “In light of your past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing for you to do in order to avoid regret in this area of life?”

It quickly dawned on me why I had been on both sides of the fence for so long. Before reading this book, my decision-making process was based purely on my current emotions. The emotions I was presented and processing with each day. This life-changing question solely based on facts and not feelings. I am not saying you should make unwise decisions based on the opposite of regret, but don’t hesitate to do something out of fear of failure. Moving forward, when you solely base your learning and decisions on facts and not emotions, you will be successful.

What does this have anything to do with first learning to earn, you ask? So many people have no clarity in what they need to do to reach their full potential. They wake up every day and let the day’s emotions decide their actions and tasks. They don’t know what they don’t know. Successful people know what they are going to do before their eyes open every morning. They do this by learning facts that provide clarity in their decision-making process, leaving the emotions out of it. Emotions can build a business as quickly as they can tear it down. Knowing when feelings should be followed is the key to success. Be emotional about what you are passionate about. The actual business decisions shouldn’t have emotion involved.

 You Will Earn Only As Much As You Want To Learn

Ever heard someone say I wish I could sing? Or, I wish I could draw? Or, I wish I could get a better paying job? Or, I wish… Yeah, me too. Well, let me tell you something. They are full of that dark stuff that comes out the back end of most mammals.

If someone truly wants to sing, they will invest their money and time by finding a vocalist to teach them to sing. Or if they want to be an artist for a career, they will spend their time and resources at their local college. If they genuinely wanted to get a better paying job, they would invest their time and resources in changing their career path.

Yes, you must indeed learn before you earn. But, you will only earn what you are willing to invest in yourself and nothing more. If you are questioning whether you really want to be a millionaire, you will know the answer quickly by how much time and resources you invest in learning to be a millionaire.

If you want to be a millionaire, learn how to be a millionaire before you earn it, or you will fail. Lottery winners prove this point time and time again. They win a vast multi-million-dollar fortune and lose it all within a short period because they never took the time to learn how to be wealthy.


Define yourself based on facts and not emotions. Only learn what you are willing to invest, and your return will be rewarded in abundance. Life is short; don’t wait to learn! Start today. Do today what others won’t. So tomorrow, you can do what others can’t!

And if you have a skill set others could learn from, write a book so they can learn before they earn. Learn why by clicking here to watch my video.

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